Junior School
Year 5 and Year 6 at Villanova College serves as a crucial period for boys as they initially transition from their primary school and then as they prepare to move into secondary school. Students in the Junior School are often given more responsibilities and opportunities to develop their independence, time-management skills and routines, which will serve them well when they navigate the challenges of secondary school. Students continue to build on the knowledge and foundations they have learned in their early years of schooling whilst also being introduced to more complex and abstract concepts in subjects like Mathematics, Science, and English.

Students study the following subjects in Year 5 and 6 that are developed from the Australian Curriculum:
Religious Education
Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS)
Digital and Design Technologies
Health and Physical Education
Languages Other Than English (Italian)
The important work of educating our Junior School students is predominantly done within the contemporary teaching spaces of the St Thomas of Villanova Learning Centre. All Religious Education, English, Mathematics, HASS and Science classes are co-taught whereby teachers and their classes are paired to provide an environment of teamwork, collaboration and greater levels of support amongst the staff and students. The curriculum is instructed using greater levels of differentiation in order to meet the diverse needs of the students and students with different learning styles, abilities and backgrounds can benefit from multiple perspectives and approaches to instruction.
Other experiences and activities also provide Junior School students with an opportunity to investigate areas of interest and talent. Students are able to participate in a wide range of co-curricular activities to complement their learning in the classroom whilst those showing an aptitude for certain subject areas may be invited to be involved in the College’s extension and enrichment program.