The Queensland Catholic Schools’ and Colleges’ Music Festival (QCMF) is a major event on the annual calendar for over 110 Catholic schools in Queensland, Australia, and New Zealand.

This festival is run largely by an amazing team of volunteers led by the Villanova College Music Support Group. It showcases the musical talents of students around the region including those at Villanova. For more information please visit the QCMF website.

Volunteer at QCMF

The QCMF is facilitated every year by a committed group of parents, students, Old Boys and members of the wider community. These hardworking individuals donate numerous hours of labour to an event that has become a stalwart of the Queensland Catholic Education calendar.

Their efforts, care and diligence allow us to coordinate an event that provides so much to the music education of students past, present and future.

If you wish to get involved in this wonderful event and volunteer some of your time to assist in the continuation of its legacy, please visit the Volunteering Portal and follow the prompts to register.

There are various roles for volunteers, from Stage Manager and Venue Secretary, to Food Preparation and BBQ Runner. The QCMF Volunteer Roles document has a full list, view it here.

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