Well done to the Villanova Swim Team!
I must commend the entire AIC swim squad on their impressive performance at the annual AIC Swim Championships on Tuesday. Well done to our Year 5 team who took out the ‘Year 5 Championship’. A special mention to our 12 years and 13 years age groups for taking out second place and the 14 years who took out third place.
No longer are we just another school ‘participating’, we are now ‘competing’ and we are doing it at a high level and have done so for several years now. In such a fierce competition where many swimmers are known to be the very best in our state and some the very best in our nation, it is not easy to win races.
As the Courier Mail stated, Ashgrove (ASH) and St Peters (SPLC) didn’t have it their own way on the day, Villanova challenged. From the data collected, I have a few interesting notes below.
- Total events at the AIC Swim Championships – 123
- Total Events won by ASH/SPLC – 89 (leaves 34 event remaining for all other Colleges)
- Total Events won by Villanova – 20
- Total Events won by the remaining six Colleges including Iona/SLC etc (who had some very good swimmers) – 14
- Total Podium places won by Villanova – 69 from 123 events (20 x first, 49 x second/third places). Over half the events we are placing in the top three when most of the time ASH and SPLC take two of these spots.
Age Results
Year 5 – First
Year 6 – Sixth
12 Years – Second
13 Years – Second
14 Years – Third
15 Years – Ninth
16 Years – Fourth
Opens – Fifth
Aggregate Results
Year 5 and Year 6 – Second Overall
12 Years – Opens – Fourth Overall
A huge thanks is given to all the coaches – Kerry Holland, Felipe Barraza and Nic Elsey, and to our swim managers – Theresa Henry, Terri Dillon and Melissa Liddy and our Swim Coordinator – Mrs Juanita Jacobs, for their efforts over the entire season to get our team ready for this event. Our team looked and performed like seasoned swimmers, and they did us proud. Well done boys! A more detailed swim report is found below.
Term 2 Sign-On forms for Rugby, Football, Cross Country and Chess were due last Monday. We will publish the entire Year 5 – 12 sign-on lists within the respective Parent Lounge and Student Café portals by midday tomorrow. We ask parents to check these lists to ensure your son’s name appears. If your son’s name does not appear it means that he has not completed and submitted the online sign on registration yet.
By our estimation it seems that some online forms have not yet been completed by families. If students are keen to represent Villanova in these sports and activities, I ask that they access the online registration link and register their interest as soon as possible. Although the registrations were due last Monday, we will keep the link open until midday tomorrow. Coaching allocations are currently being finalised based on team numbers. Details are found below.
It was good to see that training returned to normal for the AFL, volleyball and rugby groups this week. Unfortunately, the wet grounds have hampered a return to training for our cricket and senior football players. I am very reluctant to call training off, I assure you if these nets/fields were safe and ready, our boys would be on them as ‘quick as a flash’. We are hoping by Monday we can resume training across the entire College for cricket.
Given the poor field conditions we have had to hold off on posting the weekly schedule. We are holding out to see how some of our venues have recovered. We are hoping the predicted storms later this week will not adversely affect the condition of the grounds for this weekend. Again, it will be a ‘wait and see’ scenario.
Please note some cricket photos will be taken again this weekend at Villanova Park, Yeronga and at the volleyball home games at Goold Hall. Please consult the schedules found below and on the web, and ensure your son is dressed in the correct uniform. It is essential that players attend the photos at least 10 minutes before their allocated time.
As we enter the back end of the AFL, cricket and volleyball season, I ask all to keep up the efforts both at training and on game day. It is common for teams to lose focus around this stage of the season, particular as many training sessions and games have been lost. We have two rounds remaining, the boys are going well, let us keep up the good work until the end. Best wishes to all involved and enjoy!
Round 6 Fixtures – Friday 11 and Saturday 12 March, AIC Cricket and Volleyball v St Edmund’s College (in the main draw), AIC AFL v Padua/ATC/ASH and SEC
Please refer to the College’s website to view all times and venues for this weekend’s fixtures. Simply scroll down on the College’s home page to the ‘Latest News’ section and click the ‘Weekly Fixtures’ section.
Cricket, Volleyball and AFL Photo Schedule – Saturday 12 March 2022
The following team photos will be taken this weekend for AFL, Cricket and Volleyball. The boys will need to be at the photos 10 minutes before their scheduled time, dressed in their full sports attire. Any latecomers will miss out on being in the photo. NOTE – teams playing at Kianawah Park must go to their photo at Villanova Park first before their game.
Volleyball Photos – Saturday 12 March – Villanova College (Undercroft at Tuckshop)
Time |
Team |
7:20am |
8C |
7:25am |
7C |
7:30am |
7D |
8:20am |
8B |
8:25am |
7B |
9:20am |
8A |
9:25am |
7A |
10:20am |
9B |
10:25am |
9C |
11:25am |
9A |
11:30am |
8D |
Cricket Photos – Saturday 5 March – Villanova Park (Under Andrew Slack Scoreboard)
Time |
Team |
6:45am |
6 White |
6:50am |
8 Gold |
6:55am |
5C Gold |
7:00am |
5A |
7:05am |
5B |
7:10am |
9A |
7:15am |
9B |
7:20am |
7B |
9:10am |
7C |
9:15am |
6C |
9:20am |
10C |
12:00 noon |
8A |
12:05pm |
8B |
12:10pm |
7A |
12:15pm |
7 White |
12:20pm |
8C |
12:30pm |
7 Gold |
AFL Photos – Saturday 12 March – AFLQ Yeronga
Time |
Team |
7:00am |
6C |
7:45am |
6B |
8:00am |
5C |
8:45am |
6A |
9:00am |
5B |
9:50am |
5A |
AIC Swimming Report – Mrs Juanita Jacobs, AIC Swim Coordinator
Once again, the AIC Championships have come and gone. The season of early morning starts, and late and often wet Friday evenings have ended for 2022. We could not be prouder of our swimmers this year and the efforts that they made in the pool.
The Courier Mail, reported on the meet and commented on how the top two schools, Marist and St Peter’s, may have won the day, but they did not win easy. Villanova was competitive in all races and challenged the other teams to break records to beat us.
Ben Landers in the 12 Years age group broke the AIC record for his individual events 50m Free and 50m Fly but still came second. The other swimmers had to break a record in each event to beat him. Finally in the 12 years A Freestyle relay, Ben got his record. He finished a magnificent fourth leg to defeat the opposition on the wall in a nail-biting finish. However, this was brilliantly set up by Ethan Haywood, in the third leg of the race, to bring the team to second on the turn. Harry Pregnell and Caleb Johnston each played their part and ensured that Ethan and Ben were in position to be able to take advantage of the turns and bring it home for Villanova. To the spectators and parents who were there to watch the race it was one of the highlights of the competition.
The 13 years relay team were touched out on the finish, again magnificently swum final leg by Tyler Schafer who held his form and stayed strong on the wall. Initially the score board had Villanova winning, but it was reversed. I think the team deserved the win! To Darcy Kerr, Luis Stagg, Tyler Schafer and Isaac Bowen, congratulations for the tremendous efforts in the pool, and your calm, grace and sportsmanship in accepting second.
To each and every swimmer, thank you. I know that you gave your best and that we had over 70 personal best performances on the day in 99 individual events. We are so proud of the way that you responded to the task on the day, and your sportsmanship and teamwork. The smiles on your faces at the end of a race, which you have been preparing for since September last year, makes the day worthwhile.
In particular, congratulations to our Year 5 swimmers, to those who joined Villanova for this year and have already made their mark on the AIC competitions. This age group was led in the pool by Ashton Lewis. Ashton swam A division events for all form strokes, winning his breaststroke event, two second places, and a fourth with a personal best time in Butterfly. He had a heavy workload on the day, also swimming the A division medley and Freestyle relays. In the spirit of Villanova swimming, Ashton brought home the final leg of the Freestyle relay in style. The SPLC team looked to have an unassailable lead, but Ashton challenged to the final touch on the wall. While we may have missed the final win, it was certainly an exciting swim. Well done to the whole Year 5 swim team for digging deep on the day and bringing home the age group aggregate.
To the open swimmers, thank you for all your devotion to Villanova swimming in your time at the College. The last carnival is always bittersweet. I have appreciated everything that you have done to assist us at school, at training, walking the younger boys up the hill, marshalling, supporting, cheering and giving your 100% absolute best in the pool. We have been graced this year with a wonderful senior squad, who have been led by the genuine, patient and kind support of Luke Exley and Caden Clelland. Caden in particular has been a fine leader of the squad. He has led by example always giving 150% in the pool. He comes to coach in the mornings and spends time working with the younger boys in the pool helping them improve. I trust that the younger swimmers will be inspired to continue training and learn from Caden’s example. They can have no better role model.
I would like to thank our coaches and managers for their continued support of the team. Kerry Holland continues to develop our younger swimmers. We are seeing the results of this moving through the swimming ranks, with her pupils now reaching the senior levels. The commitment she shows to our swimmers, and the efforts she goes to, to ensure that the boys are well prepared, and have every opportunity to succeed has resulted in a team of swimmers, who have challenged St Peter’s and Marist for podium places in every race. Felipe Rojas has also worked with the senior squad this year for the first time. We thank him for continuing to develop the swimmers and build their techniques and skills. Nic Elsey continues to work with us and support the program. As a former swim captain, he understands the AIC Competition, and helps the boys to be race ready, and does so in his usual calm, graceful and kind way. Thank you to each of our coaches, you are so very much appreciated.
The age group managers have worked with the team for the season, helping to pick up lost property, responding to emails, chasing attendance, and monitoring road crossings and carrying bags up the hill. To Melissa Liddy, Terri Dillon and Theresa Henry, thank you for your continued support and patience during the season. We needed a sense of humour on many evenings waiting for buses and entertaining the boys, and I couldn’t be more grateful for the work that you do and the teamwork we share.
Finally, to the Sports Office staff, Craig Stariha, Chris Everding, Anthony Kemp and Todd Kropp, again thank you for your support and assistance, and all the behind-the-scenes operations that is required in managing a squad of over 120 swimmers each year. I appreciate your patience and generosity for the squad, and I know that the boys also appreciate the work that you do. We look forward to a well-earned rest, and reflection on the season, before starting it all again in Term 3.

AIC Cricket v St Laurence’s College
Very wet and unsafe fields caused the cancellation of the Round 5 fixtures against St. Laurence’s College last Saturday. It has been a frustrating season with many teams having only played two games in the last six weeks and the likelihood of matches being cancelled again due to fields not drying up is a strong possibility. Many sides will be playing against Ambrose Treacy College this week as they fill in team’s spaces left vacant by St. Edmund’s College. They are a strong cricket school, and we need to be at our best even though we haven’t been able to train for the last two weeks. Hopefully the boys have been trying to keep their skills up by finding spaces dry enough to practise their cricket.
Photos are scheduled to be taken this Saturday for teams playing at Villanova Park and at Kianawah Park. The photos will be taken at Villanova Park near the Andrew Slack Scoreboard on the main oval. Boys playing at Kianawah Park will need to have their photo taken at Villanova Park before moving off to play their match. A schedule is located above. Unfortunately, if the boys are late for the photo, it will not be taken again. Make sure your son is dressed in the appropriate cricket gear for the photo. No hats will be required. The teams playing at home next week will have their photos. Any team who misses out on the photos over the next two weeks will have them taken at a later date.
Villanova College – Cricket Results 2022 |
Team |
1 v IONA |
2 v SPLC |
3 v ASH |
4 v SPC |
5 V SLC |
6 v SEC |
7 V PAD |
1st XI |
209- 211
L |
1/80- 106
Won DWL |
219 – 8/238 L |
2nd XI |
6/199- 5/88
W |
115 – 135
L |
3rd XI |
Wash out |
7/331 – 248 W |
4th XI |
Wash out |
8/84 – 7/79 W |
10A |
7/151- 8/124
W |
0/39 – 38
W |
10B |
9/128- 160
L |
114 – 184
L |
W |
W |
10C |
T |
6/89- 65 V Iona 10C W |
3/86 – 84
W |
A |
A |
9A |
R |
5/98- 9/95
W |
0/74 – 73
W |
S |
S |
9B |
I |
5/240- 33
W |
115 – 8/142
L |
H |
H |
9C |
A |
90- 30
W v Ash Gold |
L |
E |
E |
8A |
L |
112- 4/115
L |
6/101 – 4/100 W |
D |
D |
8B |
S |
2/144- 54
W |
Wash Out |
8C |
3/47- 5/46
W |
67 – 6/128 L |
O |
O |
8 Gold |
V Ash White |
U |
U |
7A |
8/154- 130
W |
6/167 – 7/135 W |
T |
T |
7B |
139- 158
L |
Wash Out |
7C |
8/86- 6/89
L |
7/103 – 5/146 L |
7 Gold |
3/82- 67
W |
7/152 – 6/79 W |
7 White |
8/31- 1/153
L |
7/95 – 6/73 W |
6A |
6/181- 5/95
W v Ash Green |
8/141 – 61 W |
6B |
5/188- 8/89
W |
59 – 6/71 L |
6C |
2/32- 29
W |
7/112 – 4/114 L |
6 Gold |
Internal |
1/80 – 5/64 W |
6 White |
Internal |
3/49 – Pad $/43 W |
5A |
0/128- 9/36
W |
9/88 – 88 Tie |
5B |
4/98- 69
W |
4/162 – 111 W |
5C Gold |
Internal |
3/71 – 3/74 L |
5C White |
5/118- 6/76
W v Pad F |
5/72 – 4/67 W |
5D Green |
6/84- 80
W |
5D Blue |
Internal |
5/50 – 7/65 L |
AIC Volleyball – Mr Todd Kropp, AIC Volleyball Co-ordinator
Round 5 certainly had a déjà vu feeling! Whilst it was disappointing for our teams to not see the court, it is of upmost importance that the Villanova community remain safe, and the decision was made to cancel AIC fixtures once again. Our teams will be hard at work preparing for the weekend ahead and I know our boys are looking forward to getting on the court for matches again.
With only a few rounds of the AIC Competition to go, it will be easy for us to take our ‘foot off the pedal’. It is crucial our teams prepare well for this weekend for our round against St Edmund’s. SEC are always a fierce competitor in the volleyball world and always travel with large amounts of support. This weekend presents a great opportunity for us to continue the winning streak of many of our teams and finish the season on a high. I encourage players to continue to value every point by fighting each rally to the end. We have encountered several close finishes throughout the season through deciding sets or close scores, during these times it is imperative that we continue the same process that got us to this point of the match and that we are not intimidated by the opponent, the surroundings, or the point of the match.
A reminder that Year 7 – 9 volleyball teams will have their team photos taken this Saturday at Villanova. Please check the schedule carefully as photos will be outside of match times.
I look forward to observing the matches at SEC this weekend where our Senior teams will do battle. A reminder that our Year 7 – 9 teams are responsible for court duty and this roster will be available via Student Café and Parent Lounge.
Villanova College – Volleyball Results 2022 |
Team |
1 v IONA |
2 v SPLC |
3 v ASH |
4 v SPC |
5 V SLC |
6 v SEC |
7 V PAD |
1st VI |
W 3-1 |
W 3-2 |
W 3-1 |
2nd VI |
– |
L 2-1 |
W 2-0 |
3rd VI |
– |
W 2-1 |
W 2-1 |
11 A |
– |
L 2-0 |
W 2-0 |
W |
W |
11 B |
– |
W 2-1 |
W 2-1 |
A |
A |
11C |
– |
W 2-0 v SPC 11D |
W 2-0 |
S |
S |
10A |
– |
W 2-0 |
W 2-1 |
H |
H |
10B |
– |
L 2-0 |
L 2-1 |
10C |
– |
W 2-1 |
L 2-0 |
O |
O |
9A |
– |
L 1-2 |
L 2-1 |
U |
U |
9B |
– |
L 1-2 |
L 2-1 |
T |
T |
9C |
– |
W 2-1 |
W 3-0 |
8A |
– |
L 0-3 |
L 2-1 |
8B |
– |
L 1-2 |
L 2-1 |
8C |
– |
W 2-1 |
L 2-0 |
8 Gold |
– |
L 3-0 v ASH 8D |
L 2-0 |
7A |
– |
W 3-0 |
L 1-2 |
7B |
– |
W 2-1 |
W 3-0 |
7C |
– |
W 3-0 |
W 3-0 |
7 Gold |
– |
W 2-1 v PAD |
W 3-0 |
AIC AFL – Mr Adam Fry, AIC AFL Co-ordinator
Unfortunately, once again the rain was our biggest enemy with all teams having their fixtures cancelled for a second consecutive week. Looking at the forecast, hopefully this weekend we should be back out representing Villanova on the footy field.
Make sure when the opportunity presents this week, you take it with both hands. With only a couple of weekends remaining it is vital we are chalking up as many victories as possible. Our Firsts remain as the team to beat and with two difficult opponents remaining the bigger the crowd at these games, the better.
Continue to stay in touch with your coaches for any information and good luck to all teams this weekend.
Villanova College – AFL Results 2022 |
Team |
Rd – 1 |
Rd – 2 |
Rd – 3 |
Rd – 4 |
Rd – 5 |
Rd – 6 |
Rd – 7 |
1st XVIII |
55-33 W
v Iona |
96-7 W
v SPLC |
51-29 W v ASH |
Year 9/10 |
– |
31-52 L
v ATC |
19-106 L
v ASH |
Year 8 |
– |
66-22 W
v SPLC |
84-31 W
v ASH |
Year 7
– |
50-33 W
v ATC |
27-17 W
v ASH |
Year 6A |
– |
68-14 W
v ASH |
34-37 L
v SLC |
Year 6B |
– |
43-46 L
v ASH |
32-42 L
v SLC |
Year 6C |
– |
77-4 W
v ASH |
94-0 W
v SLC |
Year 5A |
– |
71-0 W
v ASH |
76-10 W
v SLC |
Year 5B |
– |
97-7 W
v ASH |
82-20 W
v SLC |
Year 5C |
– |
45-39 W
v ASH |
87-2 W
v SLC |
Trimester 2 Sport Sign-Ons – Rugby, Football, Chess and Cross Country – OVERDUE!
All students who are interested in representing Villanova in AIC rugby, football, cross country and chess in Term 2 from Year 5 – 12 must complete an online registration form: https://form.jotform.com/VillanovaSport/aic-term-2-sport-sign-on
Please be aware that the sign-ons were due last Monday. Based on the numbers, it seems that some families have not sign-on yet. If this form is not completed by tomorrow, the link will be closed.
Note – a full list of students who have nominated for rugby, football, chess and cross country will be published in the respective Parent Lounge and Student Café portals by tomorrow midday. We ask parents to check the list tomorrow to confirm that their son has signed on. Those who have not signed on must contact the Sports Office directly to sign their son/s on.
Please refer to the AIC rugby and AIC football sections on the website to view all information regarding the up-coming footy seasons, including commencement dates and training/trial times.
Rugby and Football Coaches and Referees needed
The Sports Office relies heavily on the goodwill of parents and Old Boys to assist with the coaching of our teams. This year it looks like we will have 30 teams in football and 32 teams in rugby but unfortunately, we don’t have nearly enough coaches to get all of the boys onto the field. The Sports Office is calling for coaches for the following teams:
Football- 3rd XI, 9A, 9D, 7D, 7E, 6D, 6E
Rugby- 10D, 9C, 8D, 8E, 8F, 7E, 6D, 5D, 5E
Training for the Year 7 – Open teams is at Villanova Park on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 3.45pm to 5pm. The Year 5 and Year 6 boys train on Tuesday and Thursday either before school or in the afternoon at Little Langlands.
If anyone in our community can assist and take on these teams, then the College and students will be very grateful. Please contact the relevant coordinators below
Year 5-12 Football – Anthony Kemp email: akemp@vnc.qld.edu.au
Year 5-12 Rugby – Chris Everding email: ceverding@vnc.qld.edu.au
NEW 2022 Villanova Rugby and Football Uniforms
ALL students from Year 5 – 12 in both rugby and football must purchase the Villanova rugby and football uniform in readiness for the up-coming season. This includes shorts, jersey and socks. The Villanova College Uniform Shop will have all rugby and football gear available for purchase.
Note – we have a NEW line of rugby and football jerseys and shorts this year. We are asking all families to purchase the NEW uniforms as listed below EXCEPT the Year 6 cohort who must still wear their old-style Canterbury rugby and football jerseys (as these were only purchased last year). We ask the Year 6 cohort not to buy the new gear as we would like all boys in Year 6 to wear the same gear for the games and team photos.
The new and old jerseys are very different.
IMPORTANT – all boys who sign up for rugby and football WILL make a team, therefore, parents can purchase these items of clothing now. We are expecting players to have their uniforms ready to wear on Saturday 26 March, trial day.
Villanova Rugby Uniform
- New 2022 Villanova rugby jersey (to be worn by all year levels excluding the Year 6 cohort who must wear the old-style Canterbury jersey)
- Villanova rugby shorts (the new and old style are the same, that is plain green, both are acceptable)
- NEW 2022 Villanova rugby/football socks (for all boys from Year 5 – 12, the old socks are not acceptable)
- Mouthguards compulsory (not stocked in the Uniform Shop)
- Head gear optional (not stocked in the Uniform Shop)
Villanova Football Uniform
- NEW 2022 Villanova football jersey (to be worn by all year levels excluding the Year 6 cohort who must wear the old-style Canterbury jersey)
- Villanova football shorts (the football shorts are the same as the PE shorts, which is plain green. The Year 6 cohort may wear the plain green PE shorts too or the old-style Canterbury football shorts which match the old-style football jersey)
- NEW 2022 Villanova rugby/football socks (all boys from Year 5 – 12, the old socks are not acceptable)
- Shin-guards compulsory (not stocked in the Uniform Shop)
Please Note
- What to wear at training? – It is acceptable for both the rugby and football players to wear any coloured/club or other old clothes to training. Boys are not encouraged to wear their Villanova playing uniform to training but may do so if they wish. We certainly would not recommend rugby players wear their PE uniform or any shirt that may get torn. Perhaps all players could now wear their old-styled jerseys to training as these are not permitted to be worn on game day except for the Year 6 cohort.
AIC Chess
Students who are interested in playing chess should join the groups and training sessions below. These sessions commence this week and will run until the end of term.
Juniors (Year 5 and Year 6) – Wednesday and Thursday at second break in V13. Available for those who want to make an AIC Chess team and for those who simply want to play for fun. Contact – Mr Matthew Conlan – mconlan@vnc.qld.edu.au , Mr Jack Lamb – jlamb@vnc.qld.edu.au or Mr Nicholas Verity nverity@vnc.qld.edu.au
Middle (Year 7 – 9) and Seniors (Year 10 – 12) – Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday morning tea in T10. Contact Mrs Sally England SEngland@vnc.qld.edu.au or Leah Belson lbelson@vnc.qld.edu.au
AIC Cross Country
The Cross-Country program is split into two squads – the Year 5 and Year 6 squad and the Year 7 – Opens squad. Both squads will be trained separately by different coaches and managers. The AIC Cross Country Championships will take place on Wednesday 1 June, that is, Term 2 Week 7.
We are aware that many boys will have lots of different activities going on. We encourage our best runners to represent Villanova on the day of the championships. It may be the case that a student may not be able to attend all training sessions due to other commitments. If this is the case, we simply need students to communicate this to the coaches and managers involved. We are open to negotiating alternative training schedules with those who have lots on.
Year 5 and Year 6 Squad
The Year 5 and Year 6 training squad will officially begin on Monday 28 March, that is, the tenth week of Term 1. Training will be held each Monday and Wednesday afternoon from 3.15pm – 4.30pm. Boys are to meet Miss Roberts outside the 5 Black and White classrooms after school and she will walk the boys down to training at Little Langlands. Boys who cannot train both afternoons are encouraged to attend the non-compulsory training session on Sunday afternoons.
Mr Tom Lonergan (coach) will offer “holiday training” sessions at Whites Hill for any/all boys who would like to attend. The training will take place from 8.30 – 10 am on Monday, Wednesday and Friday for both holiday weeks and the Monday holiday at the start of Term 2.
Year 7 – 12 Squad
The Year 7 – 12 training squad will officially begin on Monday 21 March, that is, the ninth week of Term 1. Training will be held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday mornings from 6.45am. All students are to meet at the front of Goold Hall and leave at 6.45am sharp (not at Little Langlands). Late comers must remain at the College.
IMPORTANT! – All Cross-Country runners should be participating in two – three training sessions per week, unless they are involved in another sport, in which case they should be completing at least one cross country session per week to be prepared sufficiently for the AIC Championship.
Junior School Cross Country Run 25 March
The Junior School will have a cross country trial run around Langlands Park on 25 March from 1:45pm to 2.50pm. This run is to identify any boys who may be potential cross-country runners for our squad and will double as a trial for Lytton District selection. All boys are welcome to come along and train in the cross-country squad. It is great fitness for many sports but most importantly each boy’s general health. Lytton nominations will occur after the holidays will be selected by our cross-country coaches, Tom Lonergan and Amy Roberts early next term depending on training attendance, commitment to the Villanova cross country team and ability.
Composite Sport
Please find below a list of composite trial and nomination dates. Paperwork for these trials is now available in the Sport Office.
Sport |
Age group |
Return to the Sports Office |
Volleyball |
12 – 19 Years |
14 March |
Representative Sport
Well done to Mitch Rieck who competed at the Qld Track and Field Championships last weekend and won silver in the U18 2000m steeplechase and finished fourth in 800m. Mitch also made the Qld Track and Field team for 2000m steeplechase and 800m and will compete at the Australian Championships in Sydney at the end of this month. A superb effort, well done and best wishes Mitch!
Please note – we thank the parents who have advised the Villanova College Sports Office of the recent Met East selections across a number of different sports. As a matter of course the Sports Office will await the formal correspondence from the Met East Sport Office before we publish the significant efforts of our Villanova sportsmen.
Mr Craig Stariha, Director of Sport