It is with great pleasure that I welcome all families to Villanova College for what I hope will be an exciting year of sport ahead. Our aim is to maintain and further develop Villanova’s sports program from Years 5-12 and to ensure that our students are given the opportunity to participate and enjoy all the benefits which playing sport can provide. Villanova is a place which offers many opportunities for its students to become involved in a wide variety of areas including sport, music, culture etc. My advice to all students is to ‘get involved’ in the life of the College. Enjoy the challenges and friendships you encounter on the way and be proud to represent your College by the way you conduct yourself on and off the sports field.
At Villanova College, it is considered a privilege to don the green and gold. I encourage all students to show pride in the uniform each week by training hard and playing even harder. Best wishes go to us all in 2022, let us all do our bit for the year to be a fun and enjoyable one!
Listed below are the members of the College’s Sports Office. Students and parents are asked to contact any of the personnel below if you have a query or question of a sporting nature.
Mr Craig Stariha – Director of Sport, Phone 3394 5611
Mr Anthony Kemp – AIC Sport Coordinator, Phone 3394 5584
Mr Chris Everding – AIC Sport Coordinator, Phone 3394 5505
Mr Todd Kropp – Sports Administration Assistant, Phone 3394 5621
With regard to sports information, it is imperative that all students and their families regularly access the College’s website. Simply go to www.vnc.qld.edu.au ,from the home page scroll down to the ‘Latest News’ section. Within this section select the ‘Locker Room’ icon https://www.vnc.qld.edu.au/locker-room/locker-room-july-18/ which has all the latest sports information for that week. Links from the ‘Locker Room’ will also take you to the ‘Weekly Fixture’ section which outlines the times and venues for all games for that week. Links from the ‘Locker Room’ will also take you to sections pertaining to each individual sport (for example AIC Cricket, AIC AFL, AIC Volleyball, AIC Swimming etc.) which will have further details pertaining to that sport. This information includes coaches contact details, training schedules and much more. The website is updated regularly and should be checked regularly by all players and families throughout the entire year.
Team Lists – due to privacy regulations we no longer post the weekly team lists on the website. All team or squad lists for each sport are now posted in a password protected section, that is, within the Parent Lounge and Student Café portals. Simply log in as normal to these portals. Select the ‘Links’ tab from the top tool bar. From the drop-down menu, select the ‘Team Lists & Weekly Schedule’ tab to view the documents. These documents will be updated weekly.
Villanova families are strongly encouraged to download the College’s App from the App store. Simply search – Villanova College App (free download) and follow the prompts. Messages and alerts are often sent via this app. Messages regarding the cancellation of matches or training, special reminders etc are often sent. The website and app are our two major avenues for imparting information. Please check and use them regularly for all information pertaining to sport.
Already all AIC Volleyball, AFL and Cricket team lists, training schedules, weekly game schedules, coaches’ details and much more have been added to the website/parent lounge portals for all to see. Likewise, all information pertaining to the AIC swim season has been posted. Please take the time to navigate through the site as I believe most of your questions and queries will be answered in this section.
Due to Covid and the delayed start to the year, our sports program and associated events and trials have had to change. We lost our internal Year 5 trials as well as the Year 6-12 trial Round against St Laurence’s on the weekend of Sat 29 January. Round 1 of the AIC season has now been officially abandoned, Round 1 was then replaced with a ‘Trial Round’ last weekend to enable schools to sort out their teams. Due to the Year 5 orientation morning, our Year 5 students did not participate in this ‘Trial Round’. Further trials for the Year 5 boys will be conducted at training during this week for those teams to be sorted for this weekend. This weekend will now be known as ‘Round 2’ as ‘Round 1’ was abandoned.
I sincerely thank our community for their patience and understanding as we navigated through the past four weeks of sporting events. Many events were postponed, cancelled or modified from our original plans.
Furthermore, please be advised that the AIC Management Committee, consisting of all the AIC Principals, have made the decision that no premierships or aggregates will be awarded this term. Only the 1st teams in AFL, Cricket and Volleyball will contest premierships.
We are predicting that many teams will be under manned throughout the term on a week-to-week basis due to Covid. It could be that players at the last moment may be asked to play a second game, to move to another team or to fill in for the opposing team. It may be that parents could be asked to quickly fill in for coaches or officials who are absent due to Covid. As this is new territory for us all, we are asking all students and their families to be flexible and help if you can.
The aim for this term is for our boys to get out there and play games. If Covid effects teams and schools are left short of players. Let’s get them out there and sort a game, this is the message that all of our coaches will be given. As no premierships and aggregates are awarded, it should not matter if teams are not as they normally are.
This weekend will mark the first official round of the season where students from Year 5 – 12 will represent the College in swimming, AFL, cricket and volleyball. I encourage all boys and their coaches to come out firing. The great work put in during our pre-season programs with the various training and trial games organised (albeit some were cancelled) will certainly stand us in good stead for the season ahead. Good luck to all involved and please enjoy!
Please read further details below and access the website to view all times and venues for each sporting activity.
Round 2 AIC Fixtures – Friday 11 and Saturday 12 February, AIC Swimming, AFL, Cricket and Volleyball
Please refer to the College’s website to view all times and venues for this weekend’s fixtures. Simply scroll down on the College’s home page and click on the ‘Locker Room’ tile. From the ‘Locker Room’ page click the ‘Weekly Fixture’ section to view the pdf doc which lists all game times and venues for each week. Links from the ‘Locker Room’ will take you to the AIC Cricket, Swimming, AFL and Volleyball sections which will have all training schedules and coaches’ details amongst other information.
COVID SPECTATOR RESTRICTIONS – Round 2 v St Peter’s Lutheran College (in main draw), Friday 11 and Saturday 12 February
Swimming, Cricket and AFL Spectator Restrictions
- Use Covid check in and socially distance
Volleyball Spectator Restrictions
- Villanova – Volleyball Venue (Goold Hall)– Only one parent per player for all games from Year 7- 9. Use Covid check in, wear a mask and socially distance. No student spectators.
- St Peter’s Lutheran College – Volleyball Venue (SPLC Gym)– Two parents per player for all games and only 20 student spectators per College at the 1st game only (all wearing masks)
AIC Cricket – Mr Chris Everding, AIC Cricket Coordinator
Finally, we’ll be underway this Saturday with most cricket matches against St. Peter’s Lutheran College. There will be a number of supplementary games taking place, so all sides can have a game this weekend. Due to the disrupted trial schedule, coaches are aware to look out for players performing well and deserve movement into another team. I ask parents to bear with us during this process and know that we will be looking at many facets of your son’s involvement prior to these decisions being made.
Unfortunately, only the firsts match was classed as a Round 1 game and they narrowly went down to Iona College. After posting a healthy total of 8/210, Iona chipped away to pass our score with 5/211 taking out the win. The boys have trained well this week and are ready for the challenge from St. Peter’s.
I would like to take this opportunity to remind players and parents that cricketers need to wear the appropriate uniform to all AIC games. The uniform consists of the Villanova cricket shirt, Villanova hat or cap and white pants for all players. It is not acceptable for any player to wear any club cricket shirt or hat when representing Villanova. All players are to have their own box protector. It is compulsory for all players to wear a helmet whilst batting and keeping up to the stumps. Any fielder who is within 10m of the bat must also wear a helmet.
Training sessions have been finalised and all players are expected to attend all sessions. If for some reason a student is unable to attend training, we ask parents to email the coaches directly (not the Sports Office). The training schedule and coaches contact details are posted on the College’s website.
It is important that all players check their team lists, as there has been player movement in all year levels. Boys have been moved around since the trials last weekend and there are still opportunities for players to be moved around throughout the season.
Please be mindful that our coaches are mainly Old Boys, outside coaches or parents. Most of whom are volunteering their services free of charge. Please be mindful of this, if you need to discuss any cricket matters with them. When coaches are conducting training sessions, parents should only assist if you have been approached by the coach to help out.
Many coaches need assistance from parents during the season with umpiring and scoring duties. We ask parents to offer their services so as there is an even distribution of duties so that one person is not burdened each week with the same duty.
With many Old Boys coaching, we are calling on parents to help out with managing the team. Managers will need to put together a contact list, roster for umpiring, scoring and any other general duties that can assist the coaches. This will free up the Old Boys and let them concentrate on coaching, rather than having to do jobs that others should be doing to help out. If you are able to take on this role, please contact Mr Chris Everding at the Sports Office or discuss with this with the coaches this Saturday.
Cricket Covid-19 restrictions – Unlimited spectators but must socially distance.
Villanova Cricket Uniform
All players from Years 5 – 12 are to wear whites.
- White pants
- Villanova Cricket Shirt (new 2022 shirt is now available, old-styled shirt still acceptable)
- Sports shoes
- Villanova green sports cap or broad brimmed hat
Under no circumstances are players permitted to wear club shirts or club hats.
Cricket – Villanova Park Canteen
Parents of boys playing on the Andrew Slack Oval are asked to man the canteen during their son’s game each Saturday. Information regarding this was emailed to all parents of those students who were selected in the 8A, 9A and 1st XI cricket teams earlier in the week.
Pictured below – The 1st XI cricket team after their presentation on the weekend.

Wet Weather Procedure
In the event of rainy weather, a notification will be placed over the College’s App. An alert will only be given if games are cancelled due to wet weather.
On training days:
- If it is raining in the morning, training will be cancelled. Cancellations are generally posted with a message alert via the College’s App early in the morning. It is recommended that you contact the coach if you are unsure. The coaches’ details can be found on the College’s website.
- If afternoon training is to be cancelled due to rain evolving during the day, then an alert will be posted via the Villa App by 1.00pm as well as giving an announcement to the students over the College’s PA system. If training is cancelled during the session, boys at Langlands will be taken to the undercover carpark at Easts Rugby League Club and can be collected from there.
AIC Volleyball – Volleyball Co-ordinator – Mr Todd Kropp
The AIC Volleyball program has commenced again for 2022 after an unusual start to the school year. I will start off by thanking our coaches and students for who gave up their holidays to attend training clinics and trial matches, we know this will be of great benefit for the season. Villanova will have 20 teams participating in the AIC Volleyball competition.
The Villanova teams have been hard at work this past weekend with a full set of trial matches against Iona College. This was a great opportunity to solidify skills learned throughout the clinics and during preseason. Whilst it was a tough start to the season for our Junior teams who are still finding their way on the court, it was pleasing to see our Senior teams find success both on the court and the scoreboard, including our First VI who took the win 3-1 in a tough encounter. The First VI game was certainly entertaining to watch, and it was a great start to the season as our boys pursue the 2022 First VI Premiership, the only Premiership on offer for volleyball in 2022. Our First team face a tough challenge again this week coming up against a well-structured SPLC team, but our boys have prepared well and are eager to test our skills against another tough opponent.
Just a few reminders ahead of this weekend’s match;
- Please check the weekly fixture carefully as we have a few teams travelling to different venues.
- Our Year 7 – 9 teams playing at home will have court duty requirements. The roster will be available on parent lounge.
- All boys should now have their playing top so please help ensure our college is well represented by having the boys in full Villanova volleyball uniform including the new sport sock.
Villanova Volleyball Uniform
- New 2022 Villanova volleyball Shirt (for hire from the Uniform Shop)
- Green PE shorts only (no basketball, football or rugby shorts allowed)
- New 2022 Villa socks only and sports shoes
Good luck to all teams this week!
Pictured below – The 1st volleyball team after their presentation on the weekend.

Goold Hall Canteen – Volleyball Parents
The Villanova College Sports Club requests the assistance of all volleyball parents to help serve in the canteen during our home games. Parents are asked to assist in the canteen when their son arrives 20 minutes prior to the start time of their game time for warm up or when their son has been rostered on for court duty (this should be maximum two occasions throughout the season). We are seeking interested parents to assist in the canteen for home games. Please do not hesitate to contact Mr Todd Kropp, Email: tkropp@vnc.qld.edu.au should you have any questions.
AIC AFL – Mr Adam Fry, AIC AFL Co-ordinator
Welcome back to the 2022 AFL season. What a way to begin our year with such strong performances in our trial games last week against Iona College. It was fantastic to see all players put in such a dominating performance. It is certainly exciting to see the AFL talent Villanova has this coming season. From the weekend the Firsts began their season in a strong way, having a commanding win against rivals Iona. The boys were terrific in the windy conditions lead by Captain Michael Gordon and young forward Oscar Tanks. They have certainly set up their season to bring home the illusive First AFL premiership.
This weekend marks our first official fixture for Year 5 – 10, and we will really need to be switched on and ready to go come Friday and Saturday. I ask all players to be at your designated venue at least 30 minutes prior to the first bounce so we can have an efficient and productive warmup. Some coaches may have requested earlier so check with them their start time. All players are required to wear the Villanova rugby shorts and socks and ensure they each have a mouthguard ready to play. Jerseys have been given to the boys this week so please ensure this is brought along to all games. The Opens are the only team playing on Fridays and it would be fantastic to see as much Green and Gold at Coorparoo as possible to support the team. Please ensure you continue to follow the Covid safe guidelines wherever you may play this weekend.
A reminder training will be on for Opens and Year 9/10s Monday and Wednesday mornings, Year 7 and Year 8 squads on Thursday from 3.30pm – 4.30pm at Coorparoo AFC and Year 5/6 teams will be training Tuesday 3.30pm – 4.30 at Coorparoo AFC. A reminder that all players will be transported by school bus to Coorparoo AFC, but parents are required to pick their son up from training on time at the conclusion of training (4.30pm).
Please also be aware that all team lists for the weekend’s fixtures will be posted on Parent Lounge on a Wednesday and fixtures and training schedules on the College Website.
Good luck to all teams this weekend, I encourage all players to get there early and stay behind to support your teammates on Friday and Saturday. We look forward to seeing all players and spectators this weekend to kick off what is sure to be an excellent and successful season.
Pictured below – The 1st AFL team after their win against Iona

Football – Junior Development Squad
Training will begin on Monday 14 February from 6.45-8.00am at Langlands (until Whinstanes is fully repaired) for those boys invited into the program. Invitation to the Junior Development Squad has been based on player performance during last year’s AIC season. Please check Student Café or Parent Lounge for the squad list. At this stage the program will run for five consecutive Monday mornings until Monday 14 March. Players are asked to wear suitable football training gear including shin guards and boots to all sessions.
Football – Senior Development Squad/ 1st and 2nd
The trials for the Senior Development Squad have commenced, albeit interrupted by weather. Please see 1st/2nd Football season schedule which is on the College website in the AIC Football section for all dates and times of trials and training. Please be aware that all boys will be required to find their own transport out to training and trials unless notified otherwise. If we could ask that all boys be picked up at the conclusion of training on time. The coaches will be adjusting the squad over the next few weeks.
Please note that there is a trial next week against Nudgee College and details of the fixture will be posted in Weekly Fixtures section on the College website.
AIC Swimming Report – Mrs Juanita Jacobs AIC Swimming Co-ordinator
By this stage all squad members should be aware of the swimming program and the subsequent information which is posted on the web under the ‘AIC Swimming’ section. With only four weeks left until the AIC Championships on Tuesday 8 March, we must have as many swimmers in the water as often as possible to ensure that we are ready for the competition.
Our first swim meet of the season will be held this Friday evening at Iona. Details found below. All boys who have been attending training for Villanova or their own clubs are to attend the meet. Each swimmer will swim 50 m freestyle, breaststroke, butterfly and backstroke. There are no nominations required, swimmers will marshal when the events are called and record their times with the staff.
Each student is required to purchase and wear the following swim uniform, which is non-negotiable and is to be worn to all AIC Swim Meets. We ask parents to support the College to ensure that their son is dressed in the correct uniform. High uniform standards are important as it reflects the pride, we have in ourselves and Villanova College. All items are available from the College Uniform Shop.
- Villanova togs, Villanova racers or any plain black togs are acceptable, no other colours are permissible
- NEW 2022 – Villanova squad shirt
- Villanova green PE shorts
- NEW 2022 – Villanova sports socks
- Villanova swim cap (this will be given out free of charge to all squad members)
Please note – Year 5 and 6 squad members will meet Mrs Liddy in the Junior School area at the end of the day, and then make their way together to the front of the school. This is our first meet and therefore our first opportunity to record times for the season. It is expected that all swimmers will attend and will swim all events.
AIC Swim Meet at Iona College – Friday 11 February
The Villanova swim squad will travel to Iona College tomorrow. Buses will depart the College at 3.10pm. All squad members are expected to attend. Please note that a return bus service will not be available. We ask all parents to collect their sons from the Iona pool by 5.30pm. A full program of events is posted on the College’s website within the sports section under AIC Swimming. Parents are welcome to attend.
Lytton District Swimming Trials Cancelled
The Lytton District swimming trials have been cancelled this year and boys are to nominate their strokes to the Sports Office. Their times will be compared to the qualifying times and parents will be notified if students are successful to attend the Met East trials.
Representative Sport
Well done to Noah King in Year 9 who has been selected to represent Australia in the Under 14 Boys Futsal team. The team will be travelling to the UK in November for two weeks where they will play against England, Scotland, and Wales.
Noah represented Queensland in the National tournament over the holidays and was subsequently selected in the Australian team. A great achievement Noah!
We also congratulate Year 8 student Reuben Wagels on his recent success on the tennis court. Reuben recently competed in the Mal Anderson Championships and took home the Championship in the doubles and was the runner up for singles. Congratulations Reuben, we look forward to following your success and seeing you in the green and gold on the tennis court in term 3!

(Reuben collecting his trophy)

(Reuben (R) and his partner (L) collecting the Doubles Championships)
Villanova Old Boy Success – One of our graduating students from last year, Harry Rouhliadeff, was called to bench for the Brisbane Bullets on the weekend against the Cairns Taipans. Harry was our 1st V premiership winning Co-captain last year. As a Year 12 student he was invited to train with the Bullets and now he has been advanced to the bench.
Harry has been offered a full scholarship to attend the University of Hawaii later in the year. It is so good to see our graduating students doing well and chasing their dreams. Harry is another step closer to his ultimate dream. Congratulations Harry! We are behind you 110%!

Composite Sport Trials
Please find below a list of composite trial and nomination dates. All the necessary information regarding these trials can be collected from the Sports Office.
Sport |
Age group |
Return to the Sports Office |
Football |
17-19 Years |
15 February |
Golf |
10-19 Years |
25 February |
Swimming |
13-19 Years |
16 February |
Rugby League |
16-18 Years |
21 February |
Rugby League |
14-15 Years |
22 February |
Touch Football |
13-15 Years |
16 February |
Touch Football |
16-18 Years |
24 February |
Mr Craig Stariha, Director of Sport