On Monday of this week the Villanova Golf team competed at the annual AIC Golf Championships at Indooroopilly Golf Course. From the six awards presented, Villanova took out five including:
AIC Team Gross Champions – Villanova College
AIC Individual Gross Champion – Thomas Winn 73
AIC Individual Runner Up – Jordy McGarry 77
AIC Individual Nett Champion – Henry Wright 71
AIC Individual Nett Runner Up – Thomas Winn 72
With regards to the Balharry Shield for best Team Nett Aggregate, Villanova College placed second overall. It was a pleasure for me to see the boys perform so well at the tournament. On behalf of the College I thank all the players as well as Mr Matt Conlan, who escorted the players on the day. A full report is found below.
I take this opportunity to draw to your attention to a section written below regarding coaches, managers and officials needed for 2021. As with all Colleges within AIC, Villanova relies heavily on the assistance of staff, parents, students and Old Boys to assist with coaching, managing etc. Put simply, our boys depend upon the good nature of many within our community to give of themselves so that our students can enjoy the benefits that playing sport provides.
PLEASE give serious consideration to nominating yourself to assist the AIC Year 5 – 12 sports program at Villanova in 2021 by completing the online nomination form found on the College website (further details below). At this stage we are still short on cricket coaches. If you would like to assist the College by fulfilling a coaching role, please contact the Sports Office.
AFL, Volleyball and Cricket trials commence next week for all boys entering Villanova in 2021 from Year 7 – 12. By this stage, all students who are keen to participate should have completed the appropriate online sign-on forms to register their interest. Although this form was due weeks ago, the online link is still open and is found on the ‘Locker Room’ page of the website. Students must attend these trials in order to be considered for a team. Please find all dates and times listed below.
It was once said to me years ago – it takes many years to build a positive school culture but only one year to destroy it. I urge everybody within our school community to get behind the sports program and become involved. The positive school culture which can be enhanced by participation within sport benefits our whole College. The first step is to get involved.
The Villanova College Sports Department is currently looking for experienced/highly qualified coaches to be involved in the football program starting later in Term 4 and continuing into next year. We are seeking coaches who will work with our ‘A’ level sides. Coaching positions will be paid. If you are interested or know of someone who might be interested, please get in contact with Football Co-0rdinator – Anthony Kemp, akemp@vnc.qld.edu.au
by Mr Matt Conlan
On Monday 26 October, Villanova’s best golfers returned to the demanding Indooroopilly Golf Course in the hope of regaining the prestigious Balharry Shield. This competition is a teams’ event, with each school in the AIC entering up to five players. The winner is declared after the aggregate of the best four nett scores per team is calculated, and in the event of a tie, the fifth player’s score is counted. The undulating greens and treacherous hazards that have brought even the best golfers undone, didn’t pose too many problems as they had done in previous years.
After the scores were tallied, our team consisting of Jordy McGarry (Year 11), Thomas Winn (Year 9), Riley Russell (Year 8), Will Rogers (Year 7) and Henry Wright (Year 7) recorded some impressive results, and in doing so, almost scooped the pool. Two notable performers were Thomas, who played consistently throughout the morning, carding a very impressive 73 off the stick. In a similar vein, Jordy went out hard early and sat at 3 under the card at the halfway point. Unfortunately, he slipped down the leader board a little after the final nine holes were completed.
Please see below for the award winners:
Competition |
Winner |
Balharry Shield
(Team Nett Aggregate) |
First Place: Iona – 297
Second Place: Villanova – 302
Best Team Gross |
Villanova College – 328
AIC Individual Champion
(Gross Aggregate) |
Thomas Winn – 73
AIC Individual Runner Up
(Gross Aggregate) |
Jordy McGarry – 77
AIC Individual Champion
(Nett Aggregate) |
Henry Wright – 71
AIC Individual Runner Up
(Nett Aggregate) |
Thomas Winn – 72
Once again, our boys showed great sportsmanship and were excellent representatives of the College throughout the day. There is no doubt that we will be back again in 2021 to hopefully go one step further and regain the coveted shield. Congratulations gentlemen.

Pictured above – Riley Russell, Henry Wright, Thomas Winn, Jordy McGarry, Will Rogers and Matt Conlan (Staff member)

The team above with their many pennants
The Villanova College Sports Department is currently seeking coaches, managers and officials for the Year 5 – 12 AIC Sports Program in 2021. In particular, we require the assistance of staff, parents, Old Boys and friends of the College to take on the many duties needed to ensure that every student has the opportunity to participate and enjoy all the benefits that playing sport provides as well as ensuring the ongoing growth and development of our sports program across all areas.
Villanova’s success in sport is dependent upon many factors, one being the generosity of members within our community to give of their time and efforts in order to serve our students by taking on specific roles. These roles include coach, manager, referee, umpire, scorer etc. If you can help in any way, could you please complete the online nomination form below.
All forms received will be compiled into a database. Before each season commences a member of the Sports Office will contact those who have expressed an interest to assist. A final confirmation of commitment will be sought, and further details will be given.
The College is indebted to those who were able to assist throughout 2020. We now invite those who would like to assist in 2021 to become involved for the benefit of our students and the College. You will no doubt find it rewarding and no experience is necessary. Please click on the link below if you are able to assist – https://form.jotform.com/VillanovaSport/coachofficialnomination
Villanova College will conduct AIC Cricket, AFL and Volleyball trials for all teams from Year 7 – 12 on the dates listed below. These trials are open to all students who are enrolled at Villanova College in 2021. Please note that all students compete in their year level and not in their age groups.
All students, including those students who will join Villanova in 2021, must attend these trials to be considered for team selection in 2021. Students entering Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9 in 2021 may only participate in cricket, AFL or Volleyball as these will all be played on Saturday.
Students are required to wear any appropriate sporting attire to these trials.
IMPORTANT: Due to COVID protocols in place, those wishing to play cricket must supply and wear their own equipment, including gloves, box, pads and helmet to all trials and games.
Students wishing to trial must complete an online sign-on form (link found below) and simply attend the venue 15 minutes before the advertised start time.
Commitment: All teams will have one or two training sessions either before or after school each week during Term 1. Term 1 training times for all teams will be advised before the end of year.
All students wishing to trial for an AIC cricket, AIC AFL or AIC Volleyball team must complete an ‘On-line Sign -on Form’ by Friday 30 October. Link below.
Monday 2
November |
Tuesday 3 November |
Wednesday 4 November |
Thursday 5 November |
6.30am – 8.00am |
Year 11 and Year 12 at Little Langlands
Year 11 and Year 12 in Goold Hall |
Year 10 at Little Langlands
Year 10 in Goold Hall |
Year 9 at Little Langlands
Year 9 in Goold Hall |
Year 11 and Year 12 in Goold Hall |
3.30pm – 5.00pm |
Year 7 at Little Langlands
Year 7 in Goold Hall
Year 7 trials at Coorparoo JAFC |
Year 8 and 9 at Coorparoo JAFC |
Year 8 at Little Langlands
Year 8 in Goold Hall
Year 10, Year 11 and Year 12 at Coorparoo JAFC |
PLEASE NOTE: Trials are for those boys who are entering that year in 2021, e.g. Year 7 trials are for those boys who are entering Year 7 in 2021.
Little Langlands – Langlands Park, Main Avenue, Coorparoo (next to Easts Leagues Club)
- Goold Hall – located on the Villanova College Campus, access via Eighth Avenue, Coorparoo
- Coorparoo JAFC – Giffin Park, Birubi Street, Coorparoo
Further trials will be held on the following weekend dates after the initial trials are held above. Please keep these weekends free.
After the Cricket, AFL and Volleyball trials held during Week 5, Term 4 (that is, 2 – 5 November), the College has organised further trial games to take place on the weekend of Saturday 7 and Sunday 8 November. It is important that all interested students attend these trials as we hope to finalize teams and squads after this weekend. All times and venues will be given to all players during the trials played earlier in the week. However, most of these are listed below.
Those who do not make an AFL or Volleyball team have the option of joining a Cricket team. NOTE – The trials pertain to the year level the student enters in 2021. Therefore, the Year 7 trials are for students entering Year 7 in 2021.
All students wishing to trial for an AIC Cricket, AIC AFL or AIC Volleyball team must complete an ‘On-line Sign -on Form’ by THIS FRIDAY 30 OCTOBER. Link below:
All teams from Year 7 – 12, Sunday 8 November 2020 at Villanova Park
Time |
Andrew Slack |
Fr John Seary |
Villanova Park No 3 |
Villanova Park No 4 |
8.15am – 12.30pm |
Year 9A/B
35 Overs |
Year 7 A/B
30 Overs |
Year 9C/Gold
35 Overs |
Year 7C/Gold
30 Overs |
12.45pm – 5.15pm |
Year 10A/B
35 Overs |
Year 8 A/B
30 Overs |
Year 10 C/Gold
35 Overs |
Year 8C/Gold
30 Overs |
Please note the trial games for Cricket will be played on Sunday 8 November at Villanova Park. These trials are for selected teams/students only. NOT ALL BOYS WILL BE REQUIRED. After the trials held earlier in the week, we will advise those who are required to attend further trials on Sunday 8 November. More information about team lists will be given at a later stage.
Please contact the Sports Office if you have any queries or concerns – sportsoffice@vnc.qld.edu.au Phone: 3394 5621
Date: Sunday 8 November 2020
Venue: Villanova Park, Manly Road, Tingalpa
Uniform: Villanova College Cricket whites or any suitable sports clothing
All teams from Year 7 – 12, Saturday 7 November 2020 at Villanova College, Goold Hall
Please note that all students who have signed up for Volleyball trials will be expected to attend further trials held on Saturday 7 November in Goold Hall at Villanova College. After the Volleyball trials on Saturday 7 November all coaches will then select their Volleyball teams/squads. If a boy fails to make a Volleyball team/squad, they are welcome to join a Cricket team. More information about team lists will be given at a later stage.
Please contact the Sports Office if you have any queries or concerns – sportsoffice@vnc.qld.edu.au Phone: 3394 5621
Date: Saturday 7 November 2020
Venue: Court 1 – Goold Hall, Nearest Main Entrance; Court 2 – Goold Hall, Near Stage
Uniform: Sports PE uniform or any suitable sports clothing
* All players need to be at their respective venues 15 minutes prior to the commencement of their game.
Time |
Court 1 |
Court 2 |
8.00am – 9.30am |
Year 8 |
Year 9 |
9.30am – 11.00am |
Year 10 |
Years 7 |
11.00am – 12.30pm |
Open |
Year 11 |
Other Trial Matches Organised (Only for those boys who are selected after Saturday 7 November)
- Saturday 14 November, Trial match v Iona College – Times and venues TBA
- Saturday 21 November, Trial match v St Laurence’s College – Times and venues TBA
All teams from Years 7 – 12, Saturday 7 November 2020
Please note that all students who have signed up for AFL trials will be expected to attend further trials on Saturday 7 November at Coorparoo JAFC, Birubi St, Coorparoo (Giffin Park). After the AFL trials held on Saturday 7 November all coaches will then select their AFL teams/squads. If a boy fails to make an AFL team/squad, they are welcome to join a Cricket team. More information about team lists will be given at a later stage.
Please contact the Sports Office if you have any queries or concerns – sportsoffice@vnc.qld.edu.au Phone: 3394 5621
Date: Saturday 7 November
Venue: Coorparoo JAFC, Birubi St Coorparoo, Giffin Park
Uniform: Any suitable sports clothing to play AFL including boots. Bibs will be supplied
* All players need to be at their respective venues 30 minutes prior to the commencement of their game.
Time |
Coorparoo JAFC |
7.30am – 8.30am |
Opens (Year 10, Year 11 and Year 12) |
8.30am – 9.30am |
Year 7 |
9.30am – 10.30am |
Year 8 and Year 9 |
Date Claimer – Further Cricket, Volleyball and AFL trials will be played against St Patrick’s College on Saturday 23 January 2021. Times and Venues TBA. Please keep this date free.
In 2021 AIC Round 1 Cricket, AFL and Volleyball will be played in Week 1, Term 1 (not in Week 2 as has been the case in previous years). Therefore, we have organised trials on the Saturday before the boys commence the new school year. Please keep Saturday 23 January 2021 free.
AIC Cricket and AFL Trials – Year 6 Students 2021
These trials are now complete. The AFL squads are posted on the web. Those who did not make an AFL team are invited to play cricket. These boys must see Mr Everding now. The cricket teams/squads should be released tomorrow or early next week.
FURTHER AFL and CRICKET TRIAL DATE 2021 – Year 5 and Year 6 Teams
Date Claimer – Further Cricket and AFL trials will be played against St Patrick’s College on Saturday 23 January 2021. Times and Venues TBA. Please keep this date free.
In 2021 AIC Round 1 Cricket and Volleyball will be played in Week 1, Term 1 (not in Week 2 as has been the case in previous years). Therefore, we have organised trials on the Saturday before the boys commence the school year. Please keep Saturday 23 January 2021 free.
Please find below some date claimers regarding to the up-coming Swimming, Volleyball and Cricket clinics, which are open to all students from Year 5 – 12 in 2021. These are great opportunities for our student athletes to develop their skills before the 2021 AIC sport season commences.
Cricket Clinics – 19, 20 and 21 January 2021 at Villanova Park (flyer attached)
Swim Clinic – 18 January at Langlands Pool
Volleyball Clinics – 18 and 19 January at Goold Hall
Mrs Juanita Jacobs, AIC Swimming Co-ordinator
Thank you to all the students who have been able to attend the morning training sessions. It is great to see so many in the pool developing their skills and fitness. We realise that there are often clashes with other sporting trials or music programs and that getting organised can be difficult. There will be swim training right up until 18 December.
To start the 2021 season, all members of the Villanova Swim Squad are invited to participate in a special Swim Clinic run by the team at Langlands pool on Monday 18 January. The clinic will include a mixture of pool and gym work. There is no cost to participate. More information will be supplied in next week’s edition of the Villa View.
Please find below the dates which training will cease over the upcoming vacation period at Langlands Pool. We certainly hope all our swimmers will continue their training throughout the Christmas holiday period.
Last day – Friday 18 December 2020
Start back – Monday 4 January 2021
The AIC Water Polo Tournament will be played over a one-day period at Iona College this Sunday, November 1. All team lists and game schedules are posted on the website via the ‘Locker Room’ in the ‘AIC Water Polo’ section. All players are required to wear their PE uniform and attend the venue at least 30 minutes before their game. Mrs Jacobs will be present on the day.
Mr Craig Stariha, Director of Sport