The official trials for the up-coming AIC AFL, cricket and volleyball season have commenced this week. I thank the many families who were able to complete and submit their sign-on forms to the Sports Office on time. This certainly assists our office with the huge task of organising and selecting teams for the respective seasons ahead.
I ask all concerned to carefully read the section below regarding the trial schedule planned for the up-coming weeks. It is extremely important to have those students who have been asked to attend the trials this weekend to be present.
Those who are unable to attend the trials will be considered, however, they will most likely be selected in a lower graded team. Please understand that it is impossible to appraise a student’s ability and select him in a team when they are not present. Students who are unable to make trials due to their selection in representative teams must see Mr Stariha so as this information can be passed to the coaches involved. I thank the parents who have communicated this already to me.
Given the hot conditions it is imperative that all boys wear a hat, apply sunscreen and bring at least one to two water bottles full of water.
I wish everyone all the best over the trial period. Our aim will be to publish all teams/squads in AFL, cricket and volleyball by the end of next week.
Year 7 – 12 Trial Information – Volleyball, Cricket and AFL (Saturday 7 and Sunday 8 November)
After the cricket, AFL and volleyball trials held during Week 5, Term 4 (2 – 5 November), the College has organised further trial games to take place on the weekend of Saturday 7 and Sunday 8 November. It is important for all interested students to attend these trials as we hope to finalize teams and squads after this weekend. All times and venues are found below.
Please note – We ask all parents to ‘drop and go’ this weekend. Parents are asked not to attend any of the trials held this weekend please.
Those who do not make an AFL or volleyball team have the option of joining a cricket team. NOTE – the trials pertain to the year level the student enters in 2021. Therefore, the Year 7 trials are for students entering Year 7 in 2021, etc.
Please note that all students who have signed up for volleyball trials will be expected to attend further trials on Saturday 7 November in Goold Hall at Villanova College. After these volleyball trials all coaches will then select their volleyball teams/squads. These squads will be posted on the web by Sunday 8 November, 6pm. If a boy fails to make a volleyball team/squad, they are welcome to join a cricket team, if this is the case please contact the Sports Office to advise via email on or telephone 3394 5621. Please be advised that due to COVID-19, all cricket players must supply and use their own gear next season. Unfortunately, this will be an added cost to parents.
Volleyball team list and information –
Venue: Court 1 – Goold Hall, Nearest main entrance; Court 2 – Goold Hall, Near stage
Uniform: Sports PE uniform or any suitable sports clothing
* All players need to be at their respective venues 15 minutes prior to the commencement of their game.
Note – Year 7 teams will play outdoors. Please bring a hat and sunscreen.
Time |
Court 1 |
Court 2 |
8.00am – 9.30am |
Year 8 |
Year 9 |
9.30am – 11.00am |
Year 10 |
Year 7 (and outdoor court) |
11.00am – 12.30pm |
Open |
Year 11 |
Further Volleyball Training and Trial Games
Once boys are selected in a volleyball squad, further training will continue in Goold Hall over the next two weeks. The specific time of the training session will be the exact same time and day as the trial session held this week. There will only be one training per week for each age group for the next two weeks as well as two trial games against Iona and St Laurence’s as listed below:
Date Claimers
- Saturday 14 November – Volleyball trials v Iona, times and venues TBA
- Saturday 21 November – Volleyball trials v SLC, times and venues TBA
Please note that all students who have signed up for AFL trials will be expected to attend further trials on Saturday 7 November at Coorparoo JAFC, Birubi St, Coorparoo (Giffin Park). After these trials, all coaches will then select their AFL teams/squads. These squads will be posted on the web by Monday 9 November at 3pm. If a boy fails to make an AFL team/squad, they are welcome to join a cricket team, if this is the case please contact the Sports Office to advise, either by email or telephone 3394 5621.
AFL team list and information –
Venue: Coorparoo JAFC, Birubi St Coorparoo, Giffin Park
Uniform: Any suitable sports clothing to play AFL including boots. Bibs will be supplied
* All players need to be at their respective venues 30 minutes prior to the commencement of their game.
Time |
Coorparoo JAFC |
7.30am – 8.30am |
Opens (Year 10, Year 11 and Year 12) |
8.30am – 9.30am |
Year 7 |
9.30am – 10.30am |
Year 8 and Year 9 |
Please note the trial games for cricket on Sunday 8 November are for selected teams/students only. NOT ALL BOYS WILL BE REQUIRED. We ask all students to check the College’s website for the team/squad lists for this weekend. This information will be posted by 3pm on Thursday 5 November. The web address is as below:
Those who are not required to play on Sunday will still make a team in 2021. The remaining players will be dispersed into the lower grade teams. These teams will be equal in ability and will be called a coloured team.
Venue: Villanova Park, Manly Road, Tingalpa
Uniform: Villanova cricket whites or any suitable sports clothing
* All players need to be at their respective venues 30 minutes prior to the commencement of their game.
Time |
Andrew Slack |
John Seary Oval |
Villanova Park No 3 |
Villanova Park No 4 |
8.15am – 12.30pm |
Year 9A/B
35 Overs |
Year 7 A/B
30 Overs |
Year 9 C/Gold
(no game) |
Year 7C/Gold
30 Overs |
12.45pm -5.15pm |
Year 10 A/B
35 Overs |
Year 8 A/B
30 Overs |
Year 10 C/Gold
(no game) |
Year 8C/Gold
(No game) |
Year 7 – 12 Villanova Cricket Selection Process
This article aims to clarify the selection process for all members of the Villanova community to understand how players are graded and how teams are selected.
The purpose of the Villanova cricket selection trials is to provide each student with an equal opportunity to display their batting and bowling skills over a 90-minute net session. External coaches are used to grade the players for teams to be selected.
The initial trials will take place at the Little Langlands cricket nets. At the conclusion of the trials, up to four teams from each age group from Year 7 – 10 only, will be chosen to play each other at an internal cricket trial game held on Sunday 8 November at Villanova Park. The best 22/24 players will play in an internal A/B trial; the next best 22/24 players will play each other in a C/Gold trial.
At the conclusion of the game we hope to choose the A, B and C teams. Note – This will only involve 2021 teams from Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 and Year 10 students. Students who are not selected to attend these trials will automatically make a ‘coloured cricket team’. All coloured teams are of equal ability and those who make a coloured team will not be required to play a game at Villanova Park on Sunday. Students who attend the trial game on Sunday and do not make an A, B or C team will be automatically placed in a ‘coloured team’.
Some students may not be able to make the Sunday trial game due to other cricket commitments. Please understand that selection into any club representative team/s does not guarantee a player’s selection into a Villanova team. Cricketers who are unavailable to play on the Sunday due to representative club cricket commitments will be considered for team selection, however, only their grading at the initial net session will be used.
Selection guidelines are as follows:
- There will be no more than seven students at each cricket net (usually only five)
- A Villanova staff member (in this case the Director of Sport or an AIC Sport Co-ordinator) will conduct the entire session and coordinate times for the duration of the session
- There will be externally sourced and qualified cricket coaches located at each cricket net
- Each student will get the opportunity to bat for 10 minutes
- Each student will get the opportunity to bowl a minimum of 30 deliveries
- The external cricket selectors will assess and personally rank each student based on performance displayed at the cricket net session in both batting and bowling. Each student will be given a tentative ranking in batting and bowling of either an A, B, C or D
- In addition to the physical fundamental skill set that each player displays, Head Coach Nathan Dufty and fellow qualified coaches will be monitoring how each student interacts and conducts themselves in the presence of fellow players on a social level i.e. is the student supportive of other team members? Is he a good “team player”? Does the student show leadership capabilities? Does the student lack confidence? etc.
- Based on the initial tentative rankings, the Head Coach Nathan Dufty will liaise with the Villanova College Director of Sport and both will select a combined A/B cricket squad and a combined C cricket squad.
- Once these tentative squads are agreed upon and selected, those selected will play an internal trial game at Villanova Park on Sunday 8 November. This will provide an opportunity for each student to display their skill set in a game situation.
- Upon completion of the internal trial game the students as a collective will be divided into final team rankings of A, B, C or a coloured team in order to represent Villanova College in the season ahead. Note that current representative players who are unable to make the trial game will be considered. Their ranking from the initial net session will be used.
- Further trials have been organised against Churchie and St Patrick’s College before Round 1. More information regarding these trials will be given at a later stage. The College reserves the right to change the make-up of all teams depending upon attitude, performance and attendance. Therefore, teams can and will change before Round 1.
- Students entering Year 5 must have attended cricket trials held on Orientation Day
- Students entering Year 6 will have their cricket trials conducted by Villanova staff members after school during Week 3 Term 4.
PLEASE NOTE – All parents are to support this process and not engage in any undesirable conversations that may contribute towards a negative experience for all involved including the coach, other parents and players.
The aim of schoolboy sport is to ensure all students are engaged in sport and enjoy the experience of competition with their mates.
Date Claimer – Further cricket, volleyball and AFL trials will be played against St Patrick’s College (or internal trials) on Saturday 23 January 2021, times and venues TBA. Please keep this date free.
In 2021 AIC Round 1 cricket, AFL and volleyball will be played in Week 1, Term 1 (not in Week 2 as has been the case in previous years). Therefore, we have organised trials on the Saturday before the boys commence the 2021 school year. Please keep Saturday 23 January free.
Churchie ‘A’ Team Cricket Trials
Date Claimer – Our 6A, 8A, 9A, 10A; Third XI, Second XI and First XI will have their annual cricket trial against Churchie on Friday 22 January 2021. Times and venues are still to be confirmed. Please keep this date free.
We may also have an internal 7A v 7B cricket game on that day too.
First and Second XI Cricket Trial Match v Iona
Villanova will play a trial match against Iona on the date listed below. Mr Nathan Dufty will select the two teams to play in the week leading up to the game and will notify those involved at the Emerging Cricket Talent training sessions. Players are to provide their own lunch. These teams are now posted on the web.
Saturday 14 November v Iona at Villanova Park
- First XI 9.30 am start – 50 overs
- Second XI 1pm start – 35 overs
The College will commence the First XI and Second XI football program next week on Thursday 12 November at Villanova Park from 3.45 – 5.30pm. The second session will be held on 26 November as per below.
Trial session dates:
- Thursday 12 November
- Thursday 26 November
Currently we have a list of students who we require to attend the trials posted on the website under the AIC Football section. Any student who is not listed and would like the opportunity to trial is welcome to attend. Boys are to find their own way to the trial venue.
The Villanova College Sports Department is currently seeking coaches, managers and officials for the Year 5 – 12 AIC sports program in 2021. In particular, we require the assistance of staff, parents, old boys and friends of the College to take on the many duties needed to ensure that every student has the opportunity to participate and enjoy all the benefits that playing sport provides as well as ensuring the ongoing growth and development of our sports program across all areas.
Villanova’s success in sport is dependent upon many factors, one being the generosity of members within our community to give of their time and efforts in order to serve our students by taking on specific roles. These roles include coach, manager, referee, umpire, scorer etc. If you can help in any way, could you please complete the online nomination form below.
All forms received will be compiled into a database. Before each season commences a member of the Sports Office will contact those who have expressed an interest to assist. A final confirmation of commitment will be sought, and further details will be given.
The College is indebted to those who were able to assist throughout 2020. We now invite those who would like to assist in 2021 to become involved for the benefit of our students and the College. You will no doubt find it rewarding and no experience is necessary. Please click on the link below if you are able to assist –
The Villanova College Sports Department is currently looking for experienced/highly qualified coaches to be involved in the football program starting later in Term 4 and continuing into next year. We are seeking coaches who will work with our ‘A’ level sides. Coaching positions will be paid. If you are interested or know of someone who might be interested, please get in contact with Football Co-Ordinator – Anthony Kemp,
Please find below some date claimers regarding to the up-coming swimming, volleyball and cricket clinics, which are open to all students from Year 5 – 12 in 2021. These are great opportunities for our student athletes to develop their skills before the 2021 AIC sport season commences.
Cricket Clinic – 19, 20 and 21 January at Villanova Park (flyer found on website within AIC Cricket section)
Swim Clinic – 18 January at Langlands Park Pool
Volleyball Clinic – 18 and 19 January at Goold Hall
Please find below the dates which training will cease over the upcoming vacation period at Langlands Park Pool. We certainly hope all our swimmers will continue their training throughout the Christmas holiday period:
Last day – Friday 18 December 2020
Start back – Monday 4 January 2021
Andrew Slack (Villanova Old Boy and ex-Wallaby Captain) has reached out to the College and has advised the coaches that he is keen to be involved in the 2020/21 Andrew Slack Squad. Whilst Andrew knows he cannot attend every session, he would like to be involved on a regular basis and develop a relationship with the boys and in particular work with the backs in a mentoring role, with a focus on developing our match management skills and vision in counter attack. Andrew’s contribution will be significant for the growth of our young players who will draw on Andrew’s experience and take their games to another level.
When Andrew addressed the Andrew Slack Squad at their very first training session at Villanova Park last Sunday he talked about how the years he spent playing schoolboy for Villanova First XV were in many ways his most memorable – a big call from someone who holds many records for the Reds and the Wallabies, including being a Grand Slam winning captain for the Wallabies in 1984 (and being the last Wallabies Captain to win at Eden Park in 1986).
Naturally, the boys are very excited to have both Andrew Slack and Benny Mowen around the rugby squads (as are the coaches).

Pictured above – The 2020/21 Andrew Slack squad at their first training session at Villanova Park last Sunday with the coaches – Paul Davey and Craig Kassulke, Manager – Steven Bremner and Andrew Slack himself.
- Patrick (Year 7) and Liam (Year 5) Holmes competed at the U12 Queensland Hockey State Championships for Met East last week in Ipswich. Met East won the championship – the first time in 25 years. Both boys played extremely well. Great effort boys.

- Well done to Mitch Honeyman and Josh Rheinberger who competed in the 10 – 12 years State Basketball Championships for the Met East team and won the gold medal on the weekend. A fantastic result, congratulations boys!

Several Villanova students competed at the Gold Coast Mountain Biking event held last Friday at Nerang. This was a school’s event with over 150 registered riders. The tracks were designed to test multiple skills of mountain biking over three unique courses over five hours. The rider’s best times from the three courses were combined and we had some great results.
We secured 88 points which put the boys in fourth place overall. A great effort by all involved:

Year 11 – 12 boys, 19 riders
Thomas Halligan – 6
Tim Chapman – 9
Mason Prowse – 10
Year 9 – 10 boys, 42 riders
Josh Vincent – 1
Louis Anderson – 3
James Pugh – 11
Rory Whittaker – 12
Jed Kemp – 32
Year 7 – 8 boys, 70 riders
Neo Pace – 15
Nate Matulick – 26
Mikka Whittaker – 28
Angus Meredith – 39
Sean Kelly – 32
Mr Craig Stariha, Director of Sport