Last Friday our Year 5 and Year 6 students commenced Round 1 of the AIC basketball season against St Patrick’s College. Our boys did extremely well winning all games. This laid the platform for our older boys to do the same on Saturday.
It is pleasing to report the results on Saturday from the remaining basketball and tennis games continued the success. Against stiff opposition, Villanova won 28 of 33 basketball games and 14 of the 17 tennis matches. This is an outstanding start to the season considering St Patrick’s were second in the basketball aggregate and ranked two places higher than Villanova in tennis last year.
It would not be uncommon for teams to change slightly after last weekend in readiness for Round 2 against St Laurence’s. In fact, we encourage our coaches to constantly monitor players from all teams and change teams weekly based on player performance, attendance and attitude at training and on game day. Rewarding players for consistent effort is an important part of our sports program.
Last weekend our AIC Cross Country Squad travelled to Limestone Park at Ipswich to participate in the first of the cross Country lead up meets. This meet was important as it provided all runners an opportunity to run the championship course. The second cross country meet will be held this Friday afternoon at Curlew Park hosted by St Patrick’s College. All runners are required to attend. Further information can be found below in the AIC cross county section.
The AIC Track and Field Training Program will commence the week beginning Monday, 21 August, that is, the week after Ekka week. The College is committed to ensure that we offer a quality-training program for those students who are interested in joining the track and field program from Year 5 -12. Please find below further details regarding the up-coming track and field pre-season program.
I would like to once again, strongly remind students about following through when a commitment is given. Villanova is a place where many opportunities are on offer across many different areas. The College is very mindful not to overburden students. I have mentioned on more than one occasion recently that the Sports Office is committed to, and has the flexibility to negotiate training schedules where a student has made a number of other co-curricular commitments.
Having said this, the College endeavours to provide the best possible coaching across the sports program in order for Villanova to do well and to instil a sense of pride. Villanova has a large number of very well qualified coaches in place to benefit our students and the sports program. It would be disappointing to source coaches and have students not attend these sessions without an apology. Please urge your son to follow through with the commitment he has given or have him come to the Sports Office to talk through any issues, we are here to help.
This weekend Villanova will face St Laurence’s College in the local derby. As usual, we will expect a high level of competition from our rivals. As we have our first teams playing at home this weekend, I urge all boys to stay and support. As always, we would expect our boys to give 100% on the court. A reminder too that we must conduct ourselves in the correct manner whether it be on the court or as a spectator.
I wish everybody involved with cross-country, basketball and tennis all the best this weekend. Please enjoy!
AIC Tennis and Basketball Round 2 v St Laurence’s College, Friday 28 and Saturday 29 July – Times and Venues
All Year 5 and Year 6 basketball games are played on Friday afternoons. All Year 7 – 12 basketball and Year 5 – 12 tennis games are played on Saturday. Please refer to the College’s website to view all times and venues for this weekend’s fixtures against St Laurence’s College.
Villanova Inter-House Track and Field Carnival – Compulsory!
All students from Years 5 – 12 are required to attend Villanova’s annual Inter-House Track and Field Carnival to be held at Villanova Park on Thursday, 17 August. All students are to attend school as per normal times and buses will then transport the boys to and from Villanova Park. We hope all parents support the College to ensure that all boys attend. More details will be available in next week’s Villa View.
The College is looking for a large band of parents to assist with canteen duties on the day of the Inter-House Carnival. If you are able to assist, please contact Mrs Robyn Gunning – Mob 0400 841 720 or
AIC Cross Country
The second AIC Cross Country meet will be held this Friday afternoon, 28 July, at Curlew Park. This is another opportunity for our runners to race the other AIC Colleges, and put their hard work and training to the test.
The coaches are hoping that there will be a huge representation of Villanova College cross-country runners this Friday. All boys from Year 5 – 12 will be excused from class in Period 6 and will be transported out to Sandgate early to avoid the traffic.
Many thanks to those who have answered the call recently to join the AIC Cross Country Squad. Training for the Year7 – 12 boys will continue on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings at 6.45am, meeting outside Goold Hall. The Year 5 and Year 6 squad will continue training on Monday and Wednesday afternoons.
Remember – there are only two weeks remaining with two warm-up carnivals to get a time on the board!
The AIC Championships will be held at Limestone Park on Wednesday, 9 August. A full program of the day’s events is posted on the College’s website under Sport – AIC Cross Country. A bus will depart the College with all athletes early that day. More details will follow in next week’s edition of the Villa View.
It is imperative that all runners from Year 5 – 12 attend all training sessions and meets in the lead up to the day of the AIC Championships. Over the next two weeks, Cross Country training must be given priority over any basketball or tennis training.
Year 7 – 12 Cross Country Squad Training
Training will continue each Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings commencing at 6.45am at Little Langlands.
Year 5 and Year 6 Cross Country – Mr Tom Lonergan, Year 5 and Year 6 Coach
The first AIC Cross Country Trial was held last Saturday afternoon at Limestone Park, Ipswich. This is the course where the AIC Championships will be held on Wednesday 9th of August 2017.
The Year 5 boys showed their enthusiasm in their first opportunity to represent Villanova, when 21 of 24 in the training squad, turned up. More importantly, our first seven were within one minute of the winner’s time. Ryan Siebel was our best in third place with Henry Oberhardt and John Nolan our next best. Villanova had 15 boys across the finish line within 90 seconds of the race winner. A wonderful problem for the selection panel!
Mitchell Rieck ran with aplomb in the Year 6 race. He was a clear winner and Caden Griffiths, Hugo Harrison and Luca Whitlock provided Mitchell good support. Again, the turnout was good as 11 of 15 boys ran. While we do not have the depth of the Year 5 squad, it looks likely we will be able to run nine boys capable of making up the six scorers for the Villanova team at the AIC Championship.
The next trial will be held tomorrow at St Patricks College Shorncliffe.
Year 5 and Year 6 Cross Country Squad Training
Monday and Wednesday afternoon 3.15 – 4.30pm
AIC Cross Country Meet – Curlew Park – Friday 28 July
The buses will depart the College at 2.15pm. A Year 5 and Year 6 bus will return after their races and should arrive back at the College at approx. 5.00pm. The Year 7 – 12 bus should arrive back at the College at approx. 6.00pm.
Program of Events
Event |
Time |
Distance |
Year 5 |
3.45pm |
2 km |
Year 6 |
3.55pm |
3 km |
12 and 13 Years |
4.10pm |
3 km |
14 and 15 Years |
4.25pm |
4 km |
16 years /Open |
4.45pm |
6 km |
Venue: Curlew Park
Curlew Street, Sandgate
Important AIC Cross Country Dates – Years 5 – 12
Bus transportation will be provided to all runners for each meet listed below. The bus schedule will be advertised each week via the website and the Villa View.
Friday August 4 |
Year 5 – 3.45pm
Year 6 – 3.55pm
12 years and 13 years – 4.10pm
14 years and 15 years – 4.25pm
16 years and Open – 4.45pm |
Wednesday August 9 |
Year 5 – 1.00pm
Year 6 – 1.15pm
12 years – 1.35pm
13 years – 1.55pm
14 years – 2.15pm
15 years – 2.45pm
16 years – 3.15pm
Open – 3.45pm
Presentations – 4.30pm |
AIC Cross Country Uniform
It is imperative that all Villanova runners look like a team, therefore we expect all runners to wear the following uniform on the day of the championships and to all meets:
- Villanova white running shorts
- Villanova athletics singlet
- Villanova squad shirt
- Villanova sports cap (green)
(All available from the College Uniform Shop)
AIC Basketball – Mr Sean O’Neill, AIC Basketball Coordinator
Round 1 of basketball was always going to be a tough start against St Patrick’s who came second behind us in aggregate last year by only two points and the weekend did not disappoint with many close games. In fact, under four points including one in over-time decided five games. We ended up winning the day 28 – 5 but all five of the losses were aggregate games, which meant a 7 – 5 aggregate win. This was a good result against such a tough opposition, reminding us all that there are no easy wins in the search to be the champion school for the third year in a row.
Round 2 is our first home game of the season and is against one of our biggest rivals in St Laurence’s. It should be an awesome atmosphere with the Spirit Committee organising many events to keep the crowds entertained. Students this week can enter to win VIP seating on the stage for the First V game (with free food) and there will be another raffle where the winner can enter a shooting competition to win up to $75 worth of prizes at half time. Junior School students can enter to win a Pre-Game Experience, where they can be in the dressing sheds with the team before the game, run through the tunnel and warm-up on court with the team. All of these opportunities are to encourage students to attend Goold Hall and get behind all of the players competing for Villanova.
Goold Hall Canteen – AIC Basketball
Once again, we are asking parents to assist by volunteering their time to help in the canteen. The canteen will open at 7.30am. It is usual that we need the most help within the first hour with food preparation and coffee sales.
Although at times the canteen may look like they have enough helpers, please come and offer your time as some of those volunteers may need to get to their son’s games. Please come along and help, meet some new friends and catch-up on what is going on around the College. Please see the roster below:

AIC Basketball Year 5 and 6
Well done to all boys, coaches and parents for your efforts last week in Round 1 of basketball. Thank you to the managers for getting your team distribution lists up and running and rosters organised for transporting the boys to the games. Congratulations to all of the Year 5 and 6 teams winning 8 from 8 against St. Patrick’s College. All of the Junior School teams played exceptionally well for the short period they have been together, particularly the Year 5 teams, who tipped off their basketball careers in fine style.
Well done to all of the boys on a fantastic start to the season and good luck for Round 2 matches against St. Laurence’s College.
Junior School Basketball Team of the Week
Henry Oberhardt, Charlie Blyth, Tyler Clelland, Roman Dunne, Charlie Corrigan, Mitchell Rieck, Blake Bishop and Alex Vasiliou.
AIC Basketball Results v St. Patrick’s College

AIC Tennis – Mrs Kath Underhill, AIC Tennis Coordinator
Huge congratulations to all Villanova tennis players and coaches, who have made an amazing start to the 2017 season! Year 5 and Year 6 teams blasted off with a 4/4 win against St Pat’s, and all boys played hard right up until the last game. This was mirrored by the older players, who played with great determination and team spirit! All Villanova tennis players and supporters should be very proud of themselves, and have set us up for a great season ahead. A week with 14 out of 17 teams winning is a sensational platform for what is ahead of us.
It was fantastic to see our First Tennis Team dig themselves out of a trench to eventually win the day. This was an awesome display of determination and skill by our boys. Well done! St Laurence’s will be tough this weekend. We are hoping all boys bring their ‘A’ game and are able to perform at their best for themselves and the College. Best wishes.

AIC Track and Field
AIC track and field training officially commences the week beginning Monday 21 August, which is the week after Ekka week. This year all students from Years 5 – 12 (excluding the middle distance runners) will train on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon at Villanova Park and S.A.F (State Athletic Facility). A bus will transport all athletes to and from each training session. We hope to commence training at 3.45pm and conclude by 5.10pm. The bus should return to the College around 5.40pm.
Middle distance athletes will train at Little Langlands on the days listed below:
- Year 5 and Year 6 – Monday and Wednesday afternoon at Little Langlands 3.15 – 4.30pm. Coach: Mr Tom Lonergan
- Year 7 – 12 – Monday and Wednesday mornings at Little Langlands 6.45 – 7.45am and Thursday 6.00 – 7.30pm at Tees Athletic Club, Stanley Road, Carina. Coaches: Mr Brian Pascoe and Mr Kane Corby
The coaches will cover all track and field disciplines across all age groups at these sessions. Training as a Year 5 – 12 squad will increase team spirit and ensure our athletes are able to attend the various sessions we have on offer.
A full program is available on the College’s website.
Lytton District Track and Field Carnival
The Lytton District U10-12 Track and Field Carnivals will be held at Villanova Park next Thursday August 3 and Friday August 4. Nominations are due tomorrow and we will be using training sessions during Friday sport and last term’s HPE results, as well as AIC results from last year to finalise the team that Villanova will be sending.
There are restrictions on the number of nominations, so places in the team can only be filled with the following numbers: 100m – three competitors in each age group, 200m- two per age group, field events – two per age group and 800m three per age group. Boys will be notified tomorrow if they have been selected and given all of the relevant paperwork. All students selected are to find their own way to and from Villanova Park on both days of competition.
Canteen help for Lytton District Athletics
There will be a large number of athletes and their families present next Thursday and Friday and we are looking for assistance at the canteen. If all Villanova parents could spare some time helping out while they are waiting for their son to compete, it would be greatly appreciated. The carnival runs from 9am – 3pm on both days. As there will be close to 1000 people at the park on Thursday, this will be the time that most help will be required.
Term 4 Cricket
This year Villanova will again run an internal cricket competition for Year 4 students who will be entering the College in 2018. The current Year 5 students, who are interested, will be invited to play for Villanova in the Eastern Districts pre-Christmas competition during Term 4 in the U12 divisions. Year 6 students wishing to play will be placed in the BEARS competition.
Villanova will be entering teams into the BEARS competition for Year 7 to 11 students wanting to play cricket in Term 4 but the number will depend on the availability of fields and parents who volunteer to coach. Students are free to play for other clubs and this decision will have NO bearing on AIC selections in 2018. All clubs will be having their sign on days in August and we will send out any club flyers to students when they arrive in the Sports Office. A letter from the Sports Office with contact details will be available to interested students next week.
Local clubs have just commenced their sign-on processes, so feel free to contact one of the EDJCA associated clubs below, to enquire about their sign-on days or register on-line through their websites.
The relevant clubs in EDJCA that are as follows:
If you would like more information about the options available, please visit the Eastern Districts or BEARS website at Boys in Year 7 – 12 who wish to sign on for Villanova in Term 4 are to collect a form from the Sports Office next week.
Representative Sport
Well done to Jordan Zappala who represented Met East in the U/15 Qld Football State Championships held in Cairns from 20 – 23rd July. Jordan has now been selected in the Queensland Schoolboys Football Team to compete at the U/16 Pan Pacific Games in Adelaide from 3 – 9 December, 2017.
Jordan was recently invited to trial for the National Training Centre and Brisbane Roar and has been named in the 23 man Train on Squad for the Brisbane Roar U/16 Academy side for 2018. A fantastic achievement, well done Jordan!
Congratulations to Mitchell Rieck who competed at the Queensland Cross Country Championships last week and finished in equal 10th place for the 12 and under age group. Mitchell also won a silver medal in the team’s event. A great achievement, well done Mitchell!
Zane Genrich competed in the 2017 National Indoor Archery Championships and placed second in Queensland and ninth nationally. A fantastic achievement, well done Zane!
Mr Craig Stariha, Director of Sport