Over many years, Villanova has earnt an excellent reputation within the AIC sporting association for its high level of sportsmanship and conduct shown on and off the sports field. We are reminded at the AIC Ecumenical Service held at the commencement of each year that all AIC Colleges share similar values and each College expects the highest standards from their communities when competing. From time to time students, spectators and coaches from all Colleges including Villanova can and do get things wrong in the heat of the moment. As we approach the halfway point of the footy season, I ask all involved to be mindful of their actions. Respect for our College, the opposition and officials must always be upheld. Overall, the level of behaviour shown by the Villanova community throughout the footy season has been very good.
Our Cross Country program is now in full swing as training for both the Year 5 and 6 and Year 7-12 squads have commenced. A reminder that we are looking for numbers to ensure our annual Cross Country Camp will go ahead this year. Please read the Cross Country section below for further details.
I congratulate all chess, rugby and football players on a solid performance last week v Padua College as we won the majority of games in each sport. The results across the board since Round 1 have been pleasing. In particular, I have been impressed this season with our rugby results. Villanova do not have the biggest boys in the competition, however, I believe that overall our teams are standing up and are willing to contest at the breakdown, well done! Confidence and self-belief in sport certainly goes a long way towards achieving good results.
This weekend will be a tough round against Iona College. Villanova will host most of the Year 9 – 12 games and Iona will host most of the Year 5 – 8 games. As both locations are nearby, we are hoping many Year 5 – 8 players are able to make the short journey back to Villanova Park to support the First rugby and football teams this Saturday.
On behalf of the College, I thank the Sports Club for their organisation of the annual Sport Club Luncheon held last Friday at the ‘Gabba. In particular, we thank the members of the organising committee, Jon Winsbury, Leo Wallin, Eddie Harris, Damien Carter and Ian McGregor as well as Sports Club President Jeremy Meredith for all their hard work. Not only is this a great community-building event, it is a way to acknowledge Villanova’s sporting greats and to raise funds in an effort to improve and upgrade the College’s sporting facilities. The work and level of support the Sports Club offers the College is outstanding. Be assured that every cent raised from canteens, mega raffles, the luncheon etc. goes directly into these sporting facilities. As mentioned in last week’s newsletter, the next major project is the development of a new Track and Field facility at Villanova Park. Little things like assisting in the canteens for 30min each week is a way that all parents can put their shoulder to the wheel and support the Sports Club in their fund raising efforts.
Round 5 this weekend is against Iona, and is sure to be a cracker round as the boys are pumped and ready to go! I ask all Villanova men to be confident and to put their best performance out there on the paddock this weekend. Enjoy!
Villanova Sports Club Luncheon – Mr Jon Winsbury
Last Friday saw our best Sports lunch ever! Held in the Legends Room at the ‘Gabba a great time was had by all. A huge thanks from the Sports Club to all Villanova parents, friends, old boys and staff who attended. Kerry O’Keeffe was a terrific speaker and we also heard from old boy, Josh Robinson our latest entry into the Villanova Hall of Fame. Josh represented Australia at the Rio Olympics in Javelin.
We also inducted the 1974 Villanova 1st XI premiership winning cricket team into the Hall of Fame. With over 330 attendees, the room was buzzing and positive feedback was aplenty. We also raised quite a deal of funds for the boys and the monies raised will be going to building better Athletics facilities at Villanova Park.
Thanks to all of our sponsors, Mark Stower, Craig Stariha and the Villanova College Sports and Finance Offices who made the day possible. Special thanks to the organising committee, Leo Wallin, Eddie Harris, Damien Carter and Ian McGregor and all other helpers including Robyn Gunning.
See you next year everyone!

AIC Chess, Rugby and Football Fixtures, Friday 26 and Saturday 27 May – Times and Venues
All times and venues for this weekend’s fixtures against Iona College are available on the College’s website.
Team Selections
The selection of teams must be one of the hardest challenges for a coach. At the commencement of the season, the College held a Rugby and Football Coaches Information Night for all coaches across the College from Year 5 – 12. Coaches were specifically instructed to select teams based on attendance, performance and attitude. This is not so much to punish players but to reward those who attend every training session and have been doing well. We understand some boys have appointments and parents notify their son’s coach, however, there are a number of players who do not attend training and do not notify their coach of their absence. Team numbers are thin in the Opens, Year 9, Year 8 and Year 7. If we decide to drop a team out of the competition then the other teams will have 5/6 reserves every week and this is not ideal. We ask all parents to make sure their son/s attend training and games and do not leave their teammates short.
As mentioned previously no player position in a College team is guaranteed each week. It is the coach’s decision to select the team each week. Selection of players in teams from Junior to National level will never be agreed upon, however it is the College’s stance is to support our coaches and assist them where necessary. It would be foolish for the College to ask parents to agree with all decisions made, however, we do ask parents to accept decisions once they have been made. It is poor form and unacceptable to harass coaches before or after training or on game day in front of other players and the public.
Villanova College is not a rugby or football club and we don’t have the luxury of months of pre-season training and trials to fully assess the students, nor should the team they played in the previous year, mean they stay the same. Furthermore, it is not the ‘Villanova Way’ for students to withdraw from playing in a lower grade team when being relegated. Coaches MUST have the support of the parents and players, otherwise we risk them withdrawing from coaching and then your boy will miss out.
Rugby and Football Photos
All teams playing rugby and football at Villanova Park this Saturday will be required for their team photo. We ask all players to attend their allocated photo time 10 minutes prior to the scheduled time. Players are to wear the full and correct uniforms including football boots. Those who are late will miss their photo. Photos will be taken next to the scoreboard on the main field.
Photo Schedule
Villanova Sports Club – Canteen Schedule
As we have many games at Villanova Park this weekend the Sports Club requires the assistance of all rugby and football parents to help serve and cook at the canteens. This will be one of the biggest rounds this year so your help is needed!

AIC Rugby
Last Saturday, Villanova played Padua in 21 rugby games across the College from Year 5 – 12. Overall Villanova won 12 and lost nine. It was another great day of results and it was pleasing to see our boys play with grit and determination as a number of games went down to the wire. I am hoping our boys do not get intimidated this weekend by the Iona boys. The confidence and self-belief shown so far this season will certainly hold us in good stead. Best wishes to all coaches and teams!
It was great to see inspirational Villanova old boy, Andrew Slack attend the First XV rugby game last weekend. Andrew was also able to attend training on Monday where he offered feedback regarding their performance against Padua as well as some advice about how to approach the mental side of the game. Andrew will again be out at Villanova Park this weekend to support the boys.

Pictured above: Andrew Slack with First XV Captain Paddy Price.

AIC Chess
Round 4 saw another win to the Villanova College team when we hosted Padua last Friday. Senior B won their first game, which was very pleasing as they had been so close each week. Intermediate B had a great win, gaining the maximum score possible, with each game won by Villanova, a first for the season. The Juniors continued their winning run with both teams again successful.
Unfortunately, the Open team had their first loss in a very close series of games. They are still on track for a series win, so I hope they will be triumphant in the next three rounds, especially when we come up against Ashgrove in the final round.
As usual, training continues every morning tea, with early morning coaching on Wednesday and Friday mornings. The Juniors started their championship rounds this week with the Seniors following and the Intermediates starting next week after the return of Year 9 students from camp. Team photos will be taken in the last round before competition starts. Good luck this Friday, again at home against Iona.

AIC Football
Villanova had 17 wins, five draws and 10 losses from the 32 football games played against Padua last weekend. It seems that some of our teams need to be more positive about their play and be more determined on the field. Win, lose or draw, the result doesn’t matter, but I challenge every boy playing for Villanova to ask himself one question when the final whistle blows – did I give 100%? Many have, while some need to do more. I wish all teams the very best this weekend.

Pictured above: The currently undefeated Fifth XI football team after their victory on the weekend.

Villanova Cross Country
AIC Cross Country Camp – We would like to finalise all bookings for the up-coming cross-country camp. To enable us to do this, all squad members must return the ‘expression of interest’ form by Monday, 29 May. We are in need of at least 22 students to go ahead with the camp. Details/forms can be found on the College webpage. If we do not receive numbers by next Monday, 29 May, the camp will be cancelled.
AIC Date Claimers:
All AIC Meets listed below apply to both the Year 5 and Year 6 and Year 7 – 12 squads at the same venue on the same day.
- Wednesday 21 – 23 June Villanova Cross Country Camp at Currimundi Recreation Centre (Open to all Year 7 – 12 students only)
- Saturday 22 July AIC Meet at Limestone Park hosted by St Peter’s and St Edmund’s College (this will be held after Round 1 of basketball/tennis in the afternoon)
- Friday 28 July AIC Meet at Curlew Park hosted by St Patrick’s College
- Friday 4 August AIC Meet at Runcorn hosted by St Laurence’s College
- Wednesday 9 August AIC CHAMPIONSHIP at Limestone Park
Note that the College will supply bus transportation to and from each venue listed above.
Years 7 – 12 Cross Country
Training continues every Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings from 6.45am. All are welcome.
Year 5 and Year 6 Cross Country
Training continues Monday and Wednesday afternoon from 3.15pm to 4.30pm at Little Langlands. The boys are to meet Mr Conlan at Goold Hall straight after school and he will escort them down to training. All runners are to be collected promptly from training at the scheduled finish time.
The Juniors now have two weeks of training under their belts. They should have found out by now that running is a little more complicated than running around the block a couple of times. We have excellent support from Year 5 and there is a solid core of Year 6 runners training both nights. Boys who are unable to train on both Monday and Wednesday can avail themselves of the Villa Runners Club. All prospective cross country runners should have received a note about running activities, and the Villa Runners Club in particular.
Villa Runners Club (VRC)
VRC is a fitness initiative offered by Tom Lonergan (Cross Country and Track Coach) aimed at improving the fitness of participants, which is offered on Sunday afternoons (4 – 5 pm) at Whites Hill Reserve, Boundary Rd. Camp Hill. Assemble on Cricket Oval 3 at 3.45 pm. The first session will be held this Sunday, 21 May and then every Sunday through until 22 October. While cross country boys are encouraged to run, it is a voluntary part of the program, meant for those who relish the “hard work”.
An open invitation is extended to the Villanova community including families and any interested in improving their fitness. There will be no minimum standard of fitness required, as all levels of fitness will be catered for during these sessions. The program will include a Tabata (anaerobic/ running without oxygen) session, followed by aerobic running in the surrounding bushland.
AIC Tennis Trials
Any student who wishes to play tennis for Villanova must complete a ‘Trimester 3 Sign-On Form’ (this has been distributed in the student’s Pastoral lesson and is available on the web). The initial trials will be held at Morningside Tennis Centre the week after the rugby and football season concludes, that is, the week beginning Monday, 12 June.
The managers of each age group will conduct these trials and they will select four players in each team plus one reserve for the age group. Once these trial sessions are completed, the official training schedule (to be published soon) will commence early in Term 3.
Note all teams from Year 7 – 12 will have two training sessions. Both sessions will be conducted before school from 6 .30 – 7.45am on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. A specialised tennis coach will take one session and the team manager will take the other session. All players are to attend both sessions. The College will only provide transport back to school after the morning sessions. Students from Year 5 and Year 6 will also have two training sessions, both of which will be conducted after school on Tuesday and Wednesday from 4.00 – 5.30pm. Please consider this information before signing on. Game dates are as per College calendar.
All tennis training and trials will be held at the Morningside Tennis Centre.
AIC Basketball Trials
Any boy who wishes to make an AIC basketball team must complete the ‘Trimester 3 Sign-on Form’ to register their interest. These forms have been distributed to all students during their Pastoral class. These forms are also available from the Sports Office and will be posted on the web soon.
All trials will commence the week beginning Monday 12 June. Each age group will have at least two trial sessions within this first week of trials. Year 5 and Year trials will be conducted during school hours. A trial schedule will be posted in next week’s Villa View and on the College’s website. After two trial weeks, the coaches/managers will then select all teams within that age group.
All trials will be conducted in Goold Hall, Clem Jones Basketball Arena or on the outside courts on campus. Once teams are selected, a regular training schedule will be followed. Please note that a number of teams will train at Clem Jones Basketball Arena on Tuesday and/or Thursday mornings from 6.30 – 8.00am. All students are to be transported directly to the Clem Jones Centre and the College will organise a bus to transport all players back to school.
Representative Sport
Year 6 student, Ashford Dawson won a gold medal on Sunday May 14 at the 2017 Taekwondo New Zealand Open held in Auckland, in his 11years Black Belt Sparring Division. An excellent achievement, well done Ashford!
Alexander John recently competed in the Gold Coast Open on the 7 May. This is the largest Open Taekwondo Competition in Australia. Alexander won all his fights landing him the gold medal in his Junior Division 15 – 17years. On the 13 May, Alexander competed in the New Zealand Open where he narrowly missed his chance in the final, securing the bronze medal. He is now training towards the Australian National Championships in Bendigo in October, where he has held the National Champion title for the last two years. Great effort Alexander!
Congratulations to Thomas Winn who recently made the Met East Golf Team and will now compete at the State Championships in Toowoomba in July. A fantastic effort. Well done Thomas!
Mr Craig Stariha, Director of Sport