Tomorrow, the Villanova Sports Club will conduct the annual Sports Luncheon in the Legends Room at the ‘Gabba Cricket Ground. The organising committee has gone to great lengths to secure quality guest speakers as well as many prizes. This event is a great opportunity for our community to get together, have a few laughs and enjoy a lunch with friends. At this stage, around 320 seats have been sold, which is approximately 140 more tickets than last year’s event. More seats at this luncheon converts to more money and more resources for our students. Thanks to all those who are attending, I am sure you will have a great time!
All proceeds from this event are directed towards major projects that assist various sporting areas across the College. Recent projects include the installation of the cricket nets at Villa Park, as well as the newly refurbished outside multi-courts at the College, which are used by our basketball, volleyball and PE programs. The next project for discussion will I hope be the construction of a new track and field facility at Villanova Park in readiness for next year’s AIC track and field season. This will include tartan long and triple jump pits, a tartan high jump fan plus shot and discus circles.
Another annual Sports Club fundraiser is the Mega-Raffle. Only 200 tickets will be sold with a chance to win $10 000. Buy a ticket individually or form a syndicate, perhaps with your son’s football or rugby team and then cross your fingers for the draw on the day of Round 7 against Marist College Ashgrove at Villanova Park. Further details regarding the Mega-Raffle can be found under Community Update of this newsletter. With only 40 tickets still available, be sure to purchase a ticket for your chance to win.
Overall, I was very pleased with the results posted by the boys on the weekend. Although not every team won, most of our teams across the College performed extremely well and we took out the day overall in both rugby and football against St Edmund’s College.
Villanova is fortunate to have many coaches on board who are willing and eager to see our boys participate, develop and enjoy their rugby and football. The College has in place many initiatives ranging from development squads, strength and conditioning programs, rugby and football coaching by highly qualified coaches as well as a bi-annual New Zealand Rugby Tour and now a Japan Football Tour. Opportunities exist in our program for boys to be equipped with the necessary skills and conditioning to do well. The boys must now take these opportunities and play with required grit and determination each week. All we ask is that the boys try their best during training and on game day, with a strong sense of pride and commitment.
Again, I thank all involved over the weekend at the various sports grounds. The College is supportive of those who are prepared to assist our students by taking on various coaching, managerial and official roles within the Sports Program. Care and concern for our students ensures we do our best to produce good men with integrity and values, including our efforts on the sports field.
I must commend all coaches (and parents) who have insisted that their team chant the school war and ensures that they are able to stay after the game to form a run on tunnel for the next Villanova team who take to the field. School spirit and pride is so important for a variety of different reasons. Please support and encourage your son to be involved in activities such as these. The benefits of this type of behavior will pay dividends to your son’s overall worth as a valued and proud member of our College.
The number of boys (dressed in academic uniform) who were able to stay behind at St Edmond’s to watch the first teams was outstanding. This could not have happened without parental support of the College’s expectations. Thank you parents!
This weekend will see Villanova up against Padua College. I ask all boys to stand up and give their best. Enjoy!
Round 4 AIC Chess, Rugby and Football Fixtures, Friday 19 and Saturday 20 May – Times and Venues
All times and venues for this weekend’s fixtures against Padua College are available on the College’s website.
Sports Club – Canteen Roster
On behalf of the Sports Club, we would like to thank all those who have been kind enough to assist in the canteens. This weekend Villanova will host the majority of Year 9 – 12 games at Villanova Park. Please see the canteen roster below:

AIC Rugby
Villanova enjoyed a great weekend of results against St Edmund’s College. Overall, we had 11 wins, one draw and five losses. The First XV went down in a close game, which they could have easily won, as was the case with our first three games. However, it was pleasing to see the boys stand up and be counted on the field. I am extremely proud of these boys; their efforts and attitude remain a fine example to all other rugby teams throughout the College.
It was great to see George Smith (current Qld Reds rugby player, Wallaby great and now a Villanova dad) offer his time to run a rugby training session with the boys at Villanova Park on Monday. Being one of the best loose forwards Australia has produced, it certainly was a privilege for the coaches and boys to learn from George, who ran the training session and was very much hands on with the boys. I am hoping Padua will feel the effects of this training session this weekend. Thanks George!

AIC Football
From the 30 games played over the weekend Villa won 23, drew four and lost eight. It was again a pity that the First XI were unable to finish off their game with a win. The boys started strongly and looked the better team, however after an unlucky penalty the boys lowered their heads and enabled the opposition to score again. I am sure this talented team will dust off and aim up again for this weekend. Best wishes to all teams!

AIC Chess – Mrs Sally England, AIC Chess Co-ordinator
Another successful night of competition for Villanova was held again last Friday at St Edmunds. As Eddies does not have a Junior School, the team was smaller but still very focused and enthusiastic. The first round was very close but the boys rallied around, dug in and came out successfully winning the round. Congratulations to all teams. I am sure a win for the Senior B team is not too far away, as they have been so close each week.
This week we play at home and Padua is bringing their C teams for each level, so all boys are welcome to play. Spectators are also welcome. As usual, practice is again available every day at morning tea in Goold Hall and Wednesday and Friday morning at 7.30 with the coach. Championship rounds will also begin this week. Good luck to all players against Padua College.

Villanova Cross Country
AIC Cross Country Camp: All AIC squad members should receive an ‘AIC Cross Country Camp Expression of Interest Form’ by the end of this week. If not, please download one from the College’s website under the AIC Cross Country section. At this stage, we have only booked limited accommodation for the up-coming camp, which will be held during the last week of this term. Please return your form to the Sports Office indicating your intention as soon as possible. The more we have the better we perform!
AIC Cross Country Program: A complete program for the AIC season is now posted on the web, which outlines the dates of all lead-up meet etc. Please continue to use the website to access all the latest information.
AIC Cross Country Training Years 7 – 12
Training has now commenced and will continue every Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings from 6.45am. The invitation to join is open to all, although I do hope those who have been targeted will take up the challenge. It is a privilege to wear the Villanova singlet and represent our College on the day of the championship. Good luck to all!
AIC Cross Country Training Year 5 and Year 6
Training is open to all interested students who can commit to training on both Monday and Wednesday afternoons. Please speak with Mr Matt Conlan or Mr Tom Lonergan if there is a clash with other training. The boys are to meet Mr Conlan outside Goold Hall, who will then walk the squad down to training.
AIC Basketball Trials Years 5 and 6
Students who wish to trial for an AIC basketball team in Year 5 or 6, began their trials last Friday during class sport time. These trials will continue until the end of the term when 36 boys will be selected to represent Villanova in the Term 3 basketball competition. Eight boys will be selected in each of the A and B teams, while the C and D teams will carry 10 players each. Competition for Year 5 and 6 AIC basketball is played on Friday afternoons at either 4.00pm or 4.45pm. Boys still playing club football or rugby generally make it back for training but they may be a little late for a 6pm start. Parents may be asked to transport students to away venues on Fridays and may need to car pool.
At this stage, we have about 90 boys in both Year 5 and 6 trialling. Unfortunately this will mean quite a few boys will miss out on selection, so an internal competition will run during class Sport in Term 3 to allow those students unsuccessful in making a team to upskill themselves and learn how to better play the game, if they choose to participate.
All successful students will be required to purchase the basketball shorts by the end of the term. All singlets will be distributed on a hire basis.
Trimester 3 Sign-On Forms
Trimester 3 Sign-On forms will be available next week for any student from Year 5 – 12 wishing to participate in AIC basketball, tennis and track and field next term.
An electronic copy will be placed on the College website within the ‘Locker Room’ section on Monday. Students must complete this form to register their interest.
Representative Sport
Rhys Lanskey has been selected as one of four competitors from Queensland for the Tetrathlon Team. Rhys will represent Queensland at the PCA National Championships in Toowoomba from 18 September to 22 September after winning both qualifying competitions for the event at Gatton and Burpengary. The competition includes swimming, running, pistol shooting and show jumping. A fantastic achievement, well done Rhys!

Mr Craig Stariha, Director of Sport