In order for Villanova’s sports program to run effectively we rely on many people within our community to assist. These people include students, staff, parents, old boys, friends of Villa and outside bodies.
Ideally it would be favourable to appoint staff members to coach all teams, or perhaps appoint coaches who are ‘independent’ and have no connection at all to the players in a particular year level. This would perhaps go some way to resolve the perception that certain members in our community have regarding ‘biased team selections’ and ‘favouritism’. An on-going goal for the College is to provide opportunities for students to participate and enjoy the experience of playing sport. It is pleasing to see our students are making the most of these opportunities to participate, as testified by the large number of teams Villanova produces in AIC competition each year.
There is a common problem which all schools and clubs face with regards to coaching. If there isn’t enough staff to take on all teams or if there aren’t enough outside independent coaches available, who coaches? The reality is our College relies on all community members to assist with coaching, referring and officiating in order for our boys to participate, and this includes the involvement of parents. Parents coaching at a club or school level can at times raise concern from others, with concerns generally surrounding biased team selections, favouritism and a lack of positive re-enforcement given to players.
At the commencement of each season the Sports Office calls upon those within our community to fulfil the various roles needed for the up-coming sports season, including coaches. We endeavour, where possible to appoint coaches to best fit the needs of the College. The coaches are briefed by the College and we try as much as possible to take some of the selection issues out of their hands initially, however, ultimately the coach will have a say in selections.
It is a timely reminder to all that we are dealing with volunteers who give freely of their time to coach a school boy team not the Australian cricket team or the like. The College asks parents to be supportive of the coach and refrain from getting involved with, or instigating any negative behaviour which undermines the role of the coach or poisons the mind of a child within a team against the coach. If there are major issues other than team selection issues, batting or bowling orders, please make contact with a member of the Sports Office to discuss these issues in the correct manner. The invitation to apply for a coaching role at Villanova is open to all, perhaps those who speak the loudest or instigate ‘car park’ talk should apply.
This year, we have only three staff and 11 parents who volunteered to coach our cricket sides. All other teams have enthusiastically been taken by Old Boys, for which we are most grateful, otherwise your son would be unable to play. We ask you to support the coaches rather than destroy their coaching aspirations and a willingness to give back to the College. Please speak to your son about his behaviour at training as it appears some boys are taking advantage of the fact that a teacher is not taking their side. If players choose to misbehave, their place in the team will be forfeited.
I take this opportunity early in the season to thank all coaches and managers of our cricket, AFL, swimming and volleyball teams, for making a substantial contribution to the Villanova sports program in order for our students to enjoy all the benefits of sport. Our scorers, umpires, referees, canteen helpers, parents who cook and serve at our weekly swimmers breakfast, members of the Villanova Sports Club and many others also deserve our thanks as they all go about their duties in order to help others.
Even though we are only part way through Trimester 1, the Sports Office is currently looking to cement plans for the up-coming AIC chess, cross country, rugby and football season for all students from Years 5 – 12. Please visit the College’s website to view training days, times and venues for all rugby and football teams from Years 5 – 12 as well as other key dates. Once again, we are in need of parents and old boys to fulfil the many coaching and refereeing roles. If you are able to assist, please contact Mr Blake McLauchlan ( or Mr Chris Everding (
A ‘Sport Sign on Form’ for those interested in representing Villa in AIC rugby, football, cross country and chess from Years 5 – 12 has been distributed this week to all students during Pastoral. This form is also available on the College website.
Due to the extreme weather conditions last weekend’s fixtures were cancelled. This weekend Villanova College plays St Edmund’s College in Round 3 of competition. Let’s keep up the great work ethic and remember to enjoy the challenges and time spent with your mates along the way.
Round 3 Fixtures – Saturday 18 February, AIC Cricket and Volleyball v SEC, AIC AFL v Padua.
Please refer to the College’s website to view all times and venues for this weekend’s fixtures against SEC/Padua. Simply scroll down on the College’s home page to the ‘Latest News’ section and click the ‘Weekly Fixtures’ section.
AIC Volleyball – AIC Volleyball – Ms Barbara Dewis, Volleyball Co-ordinator
Although no games were played last week there are still plenty of games left for all teams to continue to give of their best. Players are once again reminded to check the website for information of game times and venues, and be dressed in the appropriate attire.

AIC Swimming – Mrs Kate Alexander, Swimming Co-ordinator
Last Friday saw another successful swim meet for the AIC swim squad against Iona College. Many students backed up after a very hot week at camp and came along to support the team and post times.
This Friday the boys will attend a swim meet at St Peter’s Lutheran College, Indooroopilly. There will be two buses leaving the College at 3.15pm, returning to Villanova (Sixth Avenue entrance) at approximately 7.10pm.
Date: Friday, February 17 – St Peter’s Lutheran College Invitational Meet
Venue: St Peter’s Lutheran College, entry off Harts Rd, Indooroopilly
Time: Warm-up – 4.15pm
Carnival commences at 4.30pm and concludes at 6.30/45pm
Bus: Departs Villanova College at 3.15pm and returns to Villanova College at approximately 7.10pm
Please keep in mind we only have three meets left to get times from the boys. These times are used to determine the boys who will swim at the AIC swimming championships at Chandler. The competition is tight in many of the year levels so it is important the boys are training hard and as often as possible.
Note – If you are unable to attend the carnival this Friday for any reason, please contact myself or the relevant swim manager.
Friday Breakfast
Our famous Friday morning breakfasts have started again for the remainder of the season. If your son trains on a Friday morning, they are welcome to join us at the Villa pool after training for a hot breakfast before school. Please ensure your son returns his form (available on the website) and money to the sports office this week.
AIC Swimming Championships – Spectators
To show our support for the Villanova College 2017 Swim Team we will be sending out the following groups of students to act as spectators, supporters and cheer squad. We expect all students to attend school on this day and be in full academic uniform. Students will be transported to and from the venue by bus.
AIC Championship Spectators – All Year 7, 10 and 12 students
Lytton District Swimming Report
Please read below a report written by Ms Kerry Holland, our Year 5 – 12 Swim Coach who attended the Lytton District Swim Trials last Friday. It is always pleasing to hear about how well our boys performed and behaved.
A quick introduction for those who don’t know me, I’m Kerry Holland the Swim Coach for the Villanova College Junior Swim program, this being my fourth year with the College. I have enjoyed my time with the many boys I’ve been fortunate enough to work with over the years. As I watch the boys in the Villa Squad each morning I feel proud of the progress we’ve made given the humble beginnings we’ve had. A big thank you to all the parents and boys who have supported me and the Villa Swimming program for the past few years, we really look like swimmers now. My hope is that these boys will continue helping to inspire a swimming culture at the College for years to come.
I was prompted to put pen to paper after spending Friday, 10 February at the Lytton District Trials with the Year 5, 6 and 7 boys who were talented enough to have made the qualifying times. The boys displayed outstanding swimming with Cohen Stewart leading the way with his wonderful wins in the 50m and 100m freestyles, Tyler Clelland fastest in the 50m and 100m breaststroke and Adam Zanatta fastest in the 50m and 100m breaststroke. Caden Griffiths, Charles Kerr, William Vig, Jack Johannesen, Benjamin Lawrance, Mitchell Rieck, Thomas Rieck and James Eustance swam multiple events and swam amazingly well, with nearly everyone in the top five in the district and making it through to the upcoming Met East trials. A remarkable result!
Even though the swimming was exceptional, what made the day such a great success for our Villanova team was a comment made by one of the spectators. She enquired what school the boys attended, saying how proud we should be of them all and how impressed she was with the good manners, team spirit and great swimming technique shown by all the boys.
This being my 41st year of coaching swimming I have many fond memories. However, February 10 2017 will now hold a special place in my heart, so very proud of you all. Thank you boys, the spirit of Villa is in safe hands!
AIC AFL – Mr Adam Fry, AIC AFL Co-ordinator
This week will see us up against Padua College back at the earlier time of 8 am for both Year 5 and Year 6 B teams, followed by both the A teams at 9:15 am. A reminder that it is a requirement of all players to arrive a half hour before the game in order to warm up appropriately and get positions sorted. Thank you to all parents for your support at both training and games, it is very much appreciated. Training will continue at our usual time on a Tuesday and Thursday afternoon so if your son cannot make a session please advise one of the coaches. I look forward to seeing you all out there on Saturday for what shapes to be a great fixture for Villanova AFL.
Round 3 v Padua
Grade 5 |
Grade 6 |
B Team v
Padua |
8:00 am
Field 3 |
B Team v
Padua |
8:00 am
Field 4 |
A Team v
Padua |
9:15 am
Field 3 |
A Team v
Padua |
9:15 am
Field 4 |
AIC Rugby and Football Training/Trials
The first training/trial session will occur the very first week after Round 7 of cricket, AFL and volleyball. That is, the week beginning Monday, 20 March.
All Year 5 and Year 6 students will be involved in some skill and drill sessions during Friday sport commencing on 10 March. All players must have boots, mouthguards and a suitable jersey (this does not have to be a Villanova Jersey). Staff will notify boys when they will be doing contact drills and require extra protective gear.
All training times and venues for all Year7 – 12 teams are listed on the College’s website. All Year 5 and Year 6 teams will train at Langlands or Whinstanes, specific days and times will be advised.
AIC Rugby and Football Trial Games – Date Claimers
Monday 20 March, 1stXV and 1stXI Football trial v Iona (after school)
Saturday 25 March AIC Rugby and Football v SLC (full school trial)
Saturday 22 April AIC Rugby and Football v SPLC (full school trial)
Rugby and Football – Coaches/Referees
As the winter football season is fast approaching, the Sports Office at Villanova is asking all parents and old boys who indicated last year they wished to assist in 2017 to confirm that they still wish to do so. If you have an interest in refereeing or coaching, please contact:
Year 5 – 12 Football – Chris Everding email:
Year 5 – 12 Rugby – Blake McLauchlan email:
AIC Rugby, Football and Chess Sign-On
Please be advised that all boys from Years 5 – 12 will be given the opportunity to sign-on for the up-coming Villanova rugby, football and chess season. We expect that when a boy commits to a team he follows that commitment through until the end of season. Both parents and players are to sign off on the ‘Sign on Form’ indicating they are aware of the College’s policies and expectations with regards to school sport. The College’s Selection Guidelines and Code of Conduct are found overleaf on the sign–on form. Please note that school sport is given priority over club sport as written in the College diary. The sign on-forms have been distributed during Pastoral as well as being up-loaded on the web page.
We hope to provide all teams from Years 5 – 12, two training sessions weekly. Year 5 and Year 6 teams will train at various times before and after school at Little Langlands and Whinstanes. All games are played on Saturdays as per College Calendar. Please refer to the Colleges’ website under AIC Rugby and AIC Football to view further details including training times.
AIC Chess – Mrs Sally England, Chess Co-ordinator
The AIC chess competition runs in conjunction with the AIC rugby and Football season during Term 2, however, chess will be played on Friday evenings as per the College calendar, beginning with two trial matches. In an effort to provide our students with the necessary skills and training, the College has opened up a Chess Club for all interested players. This term the before school sessions will be open to all players while teams are being chosen. These sessions commence next week in Week 5 and will be conducted on the mezzanine level of the Tolle Lege Library:
- Year 5 – 12 students 7.30 – 8.30am Wednesday morning
- Year 5 – 12 students 7.30 – 8.30am Friday morning
The chess sessions will be conducted by an experienced outside coach as well as a number of Villanova College staff members. At Morning Tea (first break), the Tolle Lege Library will be open for boys to have a game of chess and you do not have to be in the competition to join this group. Students wanting more information are to contact Mrs England on
Please note – Boys can compete in both chess and rugby or chess and football.
Representative Sport
Well done to Harrison Vig who recently competed at the Brisbane Sprint Championships. Harrison swam the 14 years 50m fly for his classification (S9) and set a new state record! The old record was 35.00sec and Harrison’s new record was 32.21. An outstanding achievement, well done Harrison!
Mr Craig Stariha, Director of Sport
Sport Club News: Mega Raffle
Would you like to win $10,000……you have a chance to win when you buy a Megaraffle ticket and even better, there are only 200 tickets printed.
The Megaraffle is one of the main fundraising events organised by the Villanova Sports Club.The Sports Club is a voluntary group of parents, old boys and friends who provide support for the development of sport at Villanova by fundraising.
Megaraffle tickets will be ready for purchase from the 6th February. The money raised by buying your Megaraffle ticket has built the Villa Park cricket nets, has helped renovate the Outdoor Basketball Courts and paid for specialist coaching in recent years.
Tickets can be bought individually or you will be able to purchase through your son’s sports team in a syndicate to make it more affordable.
To buy a ticket call Jeremy Meredith Mob 0407895207, Robyn Gunning from Tuckshop and Allyson Smith in the Finance Department