It was another outstanding day of results in Round 2 of the AIC Competition against St Laurence’s College on the weekend. The atmosphere at the St Laurence’s basketball stadium where the Year 9 -Year 12 games were played was again electric this year due to the many Villanova supporters who managed to stay behind and support. Well over 100 student spectators from Year 5 – Year 12 spurred on our First V team throughout the entire game and provided the lift they needed. It is pleasing to report that Villanova won the game 48 – 43 in a tight tussle.
Not only were we successful in the First V basketball game, Villanova won 27 of the 34 basketball games played against the opposition. This includes eight wins and four losses in the aggregate games. However, St Laurence’s did get the better of us in the tennis. Villanova won only three from the 17 games played. Our First IV Tennis Team did us proud again this week to win a closely fought game 5 – 3. Well done boys!
On behalf of the College, I thank the many spectators and players who did their bit to ensure the day went well. Special thanks to the parents who allowed their son/s to stay behind and support other teams. It does make a significant difference.
Yesterday, we had many boys from Year 5 – Year 12 represent the College at the annual AIC Cross Country Championships. A full report of the Championship will be published in next week’s Villa View.
I am a big believer that many lessons in life can be learnt whilst playing sport. Sometimes you work hard and get the results and sometimes you do not. Developing a sense of resilience when things do not go your way and being happy knowing that you did the necessary work are worthwhile values to instil in our student athletes. Throughout the year, the College has had some fantastic sporting achievements and sometimes we did not perform as well as we would have liked. If you enter the sports realm, you must be prepared to take the wins and losses.
Villanova’s success across all areas comes about because all or most within our community make it a success, it does not just happen. If we strive to be the best, we all must take responsibility to ensure we do our part to make Villanova a great community. If we are good enough to represent the College, we should. Villanova College would not be the great place it is if we did not have our best giving their best. There is little use possessing a gift or talent and not using it. After each round of sport or each championship event, I am satisfied and happy if I know our students and coaches gave their best throughout the season and have enjoyed themselves along the way. The result is secondary.
To be the best we can be at this year’s AIC Cross Country Championship, several students were identified and asked to join the cross-country squad. As mentioned previously in recent Villa View editions, we did ‘tap’ a few boys on the shoulder and we did email parents asking that they support the College to ensure their son participates. Villanova has a good number of capable athletes. Some need that gentle push from time to time to get them involved particularly in an event like cross-country. Many thanks to those parents who have backed the College and coaches to have our best represent Villanova on the day.
The AIC Track and Field (T&F) training program will commence the week after next. The training schedules are posted on the web. We encourage all students from Year 5 – Year 12 to participate and work hard at T&F training to improve. The College is very much aware that many of our top T&F athletes will already be involved in tennis, basketball or other co-curricular activities. Although we try to avoid timetabling clashes, we know that some training sessions will overlap. This is normal and does occur at all AIC Schools. Keeping the lines of communication open between coaches and students is the key.
Please be mindful that our Inter-House Track and Field Carnival will be held next Thursday 16 August at Villanova Park. More information about this carnival is posted below.
This weekend we will play Round 3 of basketball and tennis fixtures against St Edmund’s and Ambrose Treacy College in the Year 5 and Year 6 age groups. Those travelling to Ipswich must ensure they allow enough travel time (and time to find the court) to be at their games at least 30 minutes beforehand. I wish everybody the best and please enjoy!
AIC Tennis and Basketball Round 3 against St Edmund’s College and Ambrose Treacy College, Friday 10 and Saturday 11 August – Times and Venues
All Year 5 and Year 6 basketball teams will play ATC this Friday. All Year 7 – Year 12 basketball and Year 5 – Year 12 tennis games are played on Saturday. Please refer to the College’s website to view all times and venues for this weekend’s fixtures against St Edmund’s College.
Met East Track and Field Nominations
All athletes from 13 Years – Opens who wish to nominate for the 2018 Met East Track and Field Championships are to complete the nomination form, which can be found outside the Sports Office. Please note that students must meet qualifying standards to be considered. These standards will not be advertised. ALL nominations close tomorrow, 10 August.
AIC Track and Field Training
AIC Track and Field (T&F) training will commence the week after Ekka week. A full season schedule is found on the Villanova website. After the Inter-House Carnival, the coaches will invite students from Years 5 – 12 to be a part of their squad. All track and field coaches will monitor student attendance at all training sessions. Students will be contacted by either their coach or a member of the Sports Office to explain any absenteeism. We encourage all students to contact their coach if they are unable to make training. Rolls will be taken each week to ensure that those who have been identified as our best athletes attend the sessions and follow through with their commitment as this not only builds character but also the College’s Track and Field program. Parental support on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Villanova Track and Field Carnival Years 5 Year 12 – COMPULSORY!
All students from Year 5 – Year 12 are required to attend Villanova’s annual Track and Field Carnival at Villanova Park next Thursday 16 August.
All students are to attend school as per normal times wearing their PE uniform to and from school. Buses will then transport the boys to and from Villanova Park. We hope all parents support the College to ensure that all boys attend. Canteen facilities will be available at Villanova Park. We ask students to bring a small bag on the day for their belongings including a hat, sunscreen and water bottles (food etc.). The first events are due to start a 9.45am with the last event run at 2.00pm followed by presentations.
All students will be rotated around 100m, hurdles (championship event only), bin ball, 200m, javelin, 800m, long jump, shot put, high jump (a select few in each age group only) and tug-o-war events. Our aim is to have fun, promote track and field, give everybody a go, showcase our best athletes and identify those boys who should be in our AIC Track and Field Squad.
Our track and field coaches will be posted on all Championship events for them to identify our best athletes and invite them into our T&F program, which will commence the week after. We would expect all members of our rugby and football development programs as well as all ‘A’ team members of each of the sports we have on offer to excel and be at the forefront of the T&F program.
Villanova Inter-House Track and Field Carnival Canteen – Your assistance is required
We are hoping to run hot chips and a BBQ along with the normal canteen next Thursday at the Villanova College Track and Field Day. If you are available to help for an hour or so (in between your son’s event), please contact Robyn Gunning either by email or phone 0400 841 720. We are particularly in need of parents attending around 8am to assist with the preparation.
Track and Field – Championship Events and ‘Dash for Cash’
To reinvigorate and improve our track and field program, the Sports Office has made some changes to our own Inter-House track and field program. This year students have the option of competing in each or all individual championship events rather than selecting a relatively small group of boys to do them all. Boys can nominate for these events via the sign-on forms found in the Foyer of Goold Hall. The Championship Events include the 100m, 200m, hurdles, 800m, long jump, shot put, javelin (Year 7 – Year 12 only) and high jump.
Students who do not wish to participate in the Championship Events will compete in the non-Championship program.
All boys will be given the opportunity to compete in a ‘dash for cash’ race. Over the next few days all boys who nominate for the ‘dash for cash’ will be taken across to the East’s rugby league field to race. We will race off all boys in several heats to choose our best 10 sprinters in each age group. The finalists will then compete in the first event at the Villanova Inter-House Track and Field Carnival in front of the entire College for the ‘dash for cash’ final. The winner of each age group will be given a $50 voucher to Rebel Sport.
At the end of the day, we want Villanova’s best athletes to compete against each other for the College to identify our best athletes to join our AIC Track and Field Program. It would be reasonable to expect that all ‘A’ team members in all sports, nominate for at least one Championship event. Ben Mowen, Andrew Slack, Junior Football Development Squad and First football candidates for next year’s season must nominate or they will be excluded from these squads.
AIC Basketball – Mr Sean O’Neill, AIC Basketball Coordinator
The rivalry round of Saint Laurence’s was hyped as a big day with both Junior and Senior teams all playing on Saturday and it certainly didn’t disappoint. All games were tightly several them came down to the final minute or two to decide the winner. We ended up winning the day on aggregate 8-4 and all up, 28-6. It was another fantastic effort.
The 1st V battled gallantly in a very tight contest in front of a packed house where both St Laurence’s and Villanova students cheered superbly for their teams. In the end, it was a five-point victory to Villanova and puts us in a strong position after the first two rounds.
This weekend against St Edmond’s will be another tough round. I look forward to seeing some more entertaining basketball this weekend.
Goold Hall Canteen Roster
Round 3 v SEC
Saturday 11 August
All parents who can assist are asked to report to
Robyn Gunning at the Canteen |
Time |
Parents of Team |
7.45am |
7A, 7E, 7D |
8.45am |
8B, 8D, 8F |
9.45am |
8A, 8E |
10.45am |
9B |
11.45am |
9A |
After 12.15pm |
Any parents who can assist |
Basketball Results v St Laurence’s
AIC Tennis – Mrs Kath Underhill, AIC Tennis Coordinator
An extremely tough day on the court was had last weekend against St Laurence’s. With a few players missing, big thanks must go to all our students who stepped in to play for the green and gold. There is no doubt at all that the total number of games won on Saturday did not reflect the quality of play, and credit goes to our boys for not losing their spirit, despite fighting the toughest of challenges. Two fine examples of this were Year 7 students Adam Zanatta and Daniel Taylor. A huge congratulation to Year 6 A and B teams who had outstanding wins. A very exciting result was our mighty First IV, who were victorious despite one of the top four retiring injured. We look forward to a successful round this Saturday against St Edmund’s! As we have some recent season injuries, we are desperately seeking players for the Second IV and Third IV teams. If any student in Year 10 – Year 12 would like to play tennis for the College for the next four weeks, please let me know as soon as possible.
We welcome any student to come along and cheer on your fellow Villa mates at Morningside Tennis Centre, where a free sausage sizzle will be provided for all players and Villanova students in College uniform. $1 Sausage sizzle for all other spectators.
Tennis Results v St Laurence’s
Representative Sport
Well done to Levi Weston who represented Met East at last week’s 11-12 Years Queensland State Rugby League Championships. The Met East team was undefeated and won the State Championship for 2018. A great effort Levi!