Villanova finished the Trimester 2 season against Marist College Ashgrove on the weekend. In terms of our results across the season, Villa performed well from Years 5 – 12 having 12 undefeated/premiership football teams, one AIC rugby premierships and four chess premierships including a premiership to our Open Chess Team. Furthermore, we had a number of teams who recorded only one loss or were placed second on the ladder in their respective age groups.
A list of all undefeated/premiership teams including their coaches is listed below. A sensational effort by all involved.
AIC Football
Premiership/Undefeated Teams
9B – Coached by Nick Klaassen
7A – Coached by Terry Kambouris
7B – Coached by Joseph Iezzi and Hamish Gorniak
5 XI – Coached by Paul Ellison
9 White – Coached by Paddy Wallis and Luke Perkins
8 Green – Coached by Paul Mulligan
7 White – Coached by Callum Davies and Ben Keller
6A – Coached by Aldo Avolio
6B – Coached by Tom Spillane
6C – Coached by Anthony Kemp
6 Gold – Coached by Georgia Mills-Geer
5B – Coached by Kristina Moss
AIC Rugby
Premiership/Undefeated Teams
9A – Coached by Jon Winsbury and Eddie Harris
AIC Chess
AIC Premiership/Undefeated Teams
Open Chess – Managed by Sally England and Mylan Warren
Intermediate A – Managed by Sally England and Mylan Warren
Intermediate B – Managed by Sally England and Mylan Warren
Junior A – Managed by Sally England and Mylan Warren
There is little doubt that receiving awards and recognition as a premiership/undefeated team is always pleasing. However, schools should not gauge the true success of their sports program on these awards alone. Student’s participation and enjoyment of sport should be at the forefront and be a key indicator of success.
Having committed boys with the right attitude, as well as quality coaches and managers who have the ability to extract the very best from the boys individually and as part of a team is ideal, and in most cases this occurred.
In order for the footy season to run smoothly, the College relies on the good will of many within our community to fulfil the various roles needed. When I look back at the season, I believe Villanova had much success because our community ‘pitched in’ to make the season work. To this end, I thank the players, canteen helpers and ground staff. A special mention to all coaches and referees, who gave freely of themselves to provide the opportunity for our boys to play schoolboy footy. Villanova did well this season and I am proud to be a member of a community whose participants are prepared to be involved and to have fun along the way.
I would like to acknowledge the great work by our AIC Chess Coordinator, Mrs Sally England for her role in the development of the chess program. Villanova shot up from seventh position to second overall in the aggregate this year, narrowly missing out on the overall aggregate by just two points to St Pat’s. It is pleasing to see that we have good structures and coaches in place to ensure our chess students are equipped with the necessary skills to do well in competition. The numbers in Chess Club have again increased dramatically and the results are now coming our way winning four premierships from a possible seven. Well done to all chess players for a great season!
As one season finishes the next begins. Good luck to the many students who have participated in basketball and tennis trials this week. It is great to see a large number of boys are keen to represent their College in these sports. It is unfortunate that we have had to cancel a number of tennis trials this week due to the rain. All tennis players must attend the remaining trials in order to be considered for selection into a team.
We have tennis and basketball clinics this weekend. Please read below for further details. Good luck to all and enjoy!
AIC Cross Country by Mr Brett Morrissey, Cross Country Co-ordinator
Year 7 – 12 Training on the June/July Holidays
All runners are urged to continue their hard work over the June/July holiday period, if Villanova is to be successful at the annual AIC Championships on Wednesday, August 9 at Limestone Park.
Rather than meeting at Villanova College three mornings a week for the usual training, the following sessions will be available to runners over the two-week break:
- Monday night – wear your Villanova shirt/singlet for free session
- Thompson Estate Athletics Club, 391 Stanley Rd, Carina, 6.00pm – 7.30pm
- Thursday night – wear your Villanova shirt/singlet for free session
- Thompson Estate Athletics Club, 391 Stanley Rd, Carina, 6.00pm – 7.30pm
- Parkrun
- Various places around the world offer free park runs every Saturday at 7.00am. Distance is 5km.
Nearest venues to Villanova are Minnippi Park (Meadowlands Rd), Stones Corner or Southbank.
Several Villanova runners do this religiously every week with their parents and their times are recorded, with some beginning to achieve remarkable improvements due to their consistent approach. Parkrun enables families who may be going to the Sunshine or Gold Coasts for their holidays to have a run whilst on holidays, as they are literally everywhere!
A two-week program will also be made available on the Villanova College website for students who want to do some quality solo training sessions.
Continue the hard work over the June/July holidays as this make a significant difference to the results for the whole squad.
AIC Rugby Results against Ashgrove

AIC Rugby Report by Mr Blake McLauchlan
Congratulations to everyone involved in Villanova rugby for 2017. As the season ends, it was fantastic to see the commitment displayed by our boys and the development of skill level improve as the season progressed. Trials began back in Week 9 of Term 1 when 22 teams from Years 5 – 12 were selected and entered into the AIC Competition.
During the holidays, our Andrew Slack and Ben Mowen squads gained some valuable experience competing against teams from New Zealand on the inaugural Rugby Tour of New Zealand. Shortly after, all teams were involved in a second trial game against St Peter’s and Ambrose Treacy College. This gave all of our coaches an opportunity to finalise selections before heading into Round 1 of the competition against St Pat’s.
Unfortunately, once again Villanova rugby was plagued with injuries very early on in the season. Our First XV and 10A’s in particular lost some very valuable players, which made the first few rounds of the AIC competition difficult. As always, the boys did their absolute best to stand up and persevere with solid results against St Laurence’s and St Edmund’s. Slowly boys began returning from injury as we approached the back end of the season. This brought some much-needed momentum that was displayed during matches against Padua, Iona and St Peter’s.
Overall Villanova placed 5th in the aggregate. This is the best overall result we have achieved since 2011. Congratulations to the 9A’s who shared the premiership in the aggregate competition. It was fantastic to see teams win this year, who have been unsuccessful in previous seasons. There is no doubt that our rugby program is heading in the right direction.
There is a lot of work that goes into the selections, coaching and management of the 22 teams that represented the College this year and a huge thank you goes out to everyone involved, for what has been a fairly successful season for the College. We continue to rely on the generosity of parents, old boys and external coaches to give our boys a run on the paddock every Saturday. I would also like to extend a massive thank you to all of our members of the Villanova community who offer to help with refereeing and officiating for each of our home games. Bring on 2018!
AIC Football Results against Ashgrove

AIC Football Report by Mr Chris Everding
Thirty-six sides took to the field this year in the AIC Football competition. This is the same number of sides as last year and just over a third of the teams either won a premiership or went through the season undefeated. Overall, this is an outstanding result for the College and the future looks strong based on the participation levels and results of the teams in the Year 5 – 9 age groups.
The 9B, 7A (undefeated) and 7B sides all came away with aggregate premierships and special mention needs to be given to the 9B and 7B sides who both had to win their last match against Ashgrove to leap frog them for the premiership. In two excellent tight games, Villanova defeated Ashgrove, 1 – 0 and 2 – 1 respectively to clinch the premierships. The 7A team had two draws and no losses on their way to winning the premiership by one point over Iona and Ashgrove.
The following teams went through the season undefeated 5th XI, 9 White, 8 Green, 7 White, 6A, 6B, 6C, 6 Gold and 5B, while the 7th XI, 8B, 7C and 5C sides only lost one match.
The aggregate placings after the 2017 season were as follows:
Ashgrove 71.5, Iona 70.5, SLC 63, Villanova 57, SPC 44.5, Padua 42.5, SEC 41.5 and SPLC 40.5
Looking towards the 2018 season based on this season’s results, Villanova is in a very strong position. If the aggregate table was taken on the Year 7 – 9 age group, then Villanova would have finished first, in front of Ashgrove, SLC and Padua. Our Year 6 boys ALL went through undefeated and will add strength and points to the aggregate. What we will need next year is for our open teams to gel early and work together to build a strong open campaign. These boys will need to step up, play hard and fight to earn their jersey.
The success of our football season could not have happened without the positive drive and direction from Michael Rooney who helped guide the many coaches, who volunteered to develop the skills of the students who played this year. Many thanks needs to go to Mickey who is shaping the direction of Football at Villanova. On a weekly basis, he moves around each year level trying to get Villanova teams to work on similar drills, play a particular style and have year levels interacting better with one another. Mickey organises coaching sessions and courses for our many coaches and has also been instrumental in acquiring outside coaches, who have come on board with a vision to making Villanova Football a force. Tom Carnarvas and Hayden Fritz were recruited by Mickey and have done an exceptional job preparing and coaching the boys.
A big thank you to Len Catalano and Shane Stefanutto for all the time they have put into the First XI squad. From half way through last year, when trials began to last week-end, these men have put in many hours to get our boys prepared and ready to take on opposition colleges. Unfortunately, they did not come away with the results they were hoping for but all of the boys represented the College well during every match throughout the season.
The College would also like to thank the following parents for coaching sides and giving up their own family time to spend it with Villanova teams; John Intelisano 2nd XI, Paul Ellison 5th XI, Paul Mulligan 8 Green, Terry Kambouris 7A, Aldo Avolio 6A, George Vasiliou 6A, Simon O’Neil 5A and Sean Hodgson 5 White.
A number of staff also participated in the football program this season and your presence around the boys enabled the season to run smoothly. Thanks to Julie Davis 1st XI Manager, Paul Gribben 2nd XI, Darren Thomas 10A, Anthony Kemp 6C, Georgia Mills-Geer 6 Gold, Kirstina Moss 5B, Melissa Wilson 5C, Kelson Lee 5 Gold, Allison Squires 5 White and Nichole Rouhliadeff 5 Green.
Most of the coaches looking after our teams this year were returning Old Boys. These men formed the largest group of coaches we had this season and the reports coming back from parents regarding their interaction with the boys and coaching, were very positive and without them, we would have struggled to field all of the teams. I commend their commitment to Villanova Football and the enthusiasm with which they have wanted to give back to the College.
It would be wonderful to see them all again next year. My thanks to:
- Vassili Stammes 3rd XI
- Liam Carlton-Jones 4th XI
- Conor Hughes 6th XI
- Robert Bolton 6th XI
- Dylan Foster 7th XI
- George Koulouris 7th XI
- Matthew Reece and Henry McGahan 10B
- Michael Mascadri 10C
- Nick Klaassen 9B
- Nick Gauci and Jayden Woolaston 9C
- Jacob Mulcahy and Jarrod Koning 9 Gold
- Paddy Wallis and Luke Perkins 9 White
- Emmanuel Alexion and Harris Wakeling 8A
- Daniello Romano 8B
- Rohan Shay and Zac Mroczek 8C
- Jun Tominaga and Dante Schick 8 Gold
- Jackson Potter and Ben Jones 8 White
- Joseph Iezzi and Hamish Gorniak 7B
- Wilson Lam and Jack Stamatiou 7C
- Jake Motley 7 and Ryan Picaro 7 Gold
- Callum Davies and Benjamin Keller 7 White
- Tom Spillane 6B
Games would not have gone ahead without the support of parents and students refereeing. There were many games that required covering week after week, and I would like to extend our thanks to parents, Richard Danen and Richard Adebiyi for always availing themselves to assist with refereeing. Thanks to students Hunter Gapes, Ben McGregor, Daniel Halligan, Thomas Knowles and Gabriel Mungarrieta who also answered the call when referees were needed.
AIC Chess Results against Ashgrove

AIC Chess Report by Mrs Sally England, AIC Chess Co-ordinator
The inaugural season for The Black Knights has ended with an exciting final night against Ashgrove. By the end of the night, the Open team had won the premiership for 2017. The four players were – Aidan O’Donnell, the quiet one; Alex Ilka, the youngster; Lachlan Perrier, the extrovert and Theo Samios, the very excited captain. Both Senior A and B teams also had good rounds of competition to contribute to the overall position of the team. Senior B had a great turn around after being very close in the first three rounds but still being unsuccessful, to then winning the following three rounds and tie the last night. The Black Knights won through, never giving up, always believing they could have success. Senior A and B players were Sam Stenson, Tom Balshaw, Hudson Rogers, Nathan Whitby, Alex Wang, Kieran Dooley, Max Eberhardt, Jack Gerrard, Andrew Worthington and Danny Chung (Vice Captain).
The Intermediate teams also had a fantastic season with the Intermediate A team winning the Premiership with the loss of only one game. The team consisted of William Ilka who won every game that he played – a fantastic effort for William; Connor Leahy and Tom Stenson who alternatively played position 2 and Aiden Lee and Mason Luu who played in positons 3 and 4. Aiden also had a fantastic year only losing three matches out of 14 in the whole season, a great win percentage for the year.
The Intermediate B Team also had a wonderful year, only losing one game to St Laurence’s, our old rival, but triumphing with the aggregate to have a very successful year gaining the Premiership. The team consisted of six players who alternated to allow everyone to play. The team was – Tom Hoctor, Harry Blaser and Daniel Waugh who played positions 1 and 2, Connor Whitby, Patrick Bryant and Christian Dang who played positions 3 and 4. The boys played together in the junior teams, and they have continued their winning streak into the intermediate level. I look forward to seeing them improve every year as they go through the system.
The Junior teams also managed to be the top team in the junior aggregate as they have for the last three years. Both of the teams remain undefeated, with Junior A gaining the Premiership and Junior B, gaining second position due to a draw. Team A was – Seb LoGiudice, Alex Hulme, Harry Bryant and Tom Winn (who lost only two games the whole season). Team B – was Joe Hoctor, Marc Sylla, Fionn Rossi and Max Blaser. This was a fantastic effort again for the younger boys as most of them were in Year 5 and new to the College this year. Again, we look forward to watching these young men progressing through the levels.
This year, C teams were introduced into the competition to try to promote more participation. While Villanova had full teams, it was not a universal participation, so only a few schools fielded C teams. We congratulate all the boys in the C teams who participated in our coaching, practices, championships and games where possible. These teams will continue to be part of the College Chess Team always striving to gain a position in AIC. The senior players were Fabrice Ragoo, Matt Clarke, Brody Roper, Angus Boyer and Ethan Bell. The Intermediate team was Xavier Simondson, Blake Waugh, Alex Bryant and Peter Samios and finally we have our large band of enthusiastic Juniors Oliver Wills, Lachlan Brown, Max Lee, Mattias Cotroneo, Liam Little and Seb Wilson.
It is also great to see we now have a number of families participating, with two players from each of these families – Ilka, Whitby, Samios, Blaser, Hoctor, Stenson and the three Bryant brothers.
It has been a wonderful season with many people to thank: Mr Stariha and Mrs Schofield who were always in the background helping in any way they could; the parents who brought the boys to and from the practice and competition every week and Mrs Blair who provided the team with food and drink when we played at home. We also have to thank our new coach Charles, who provided invaluable information and support by attending our games and reviewing them in the following week. Our two Old Boys Matt Richards and Owen Peries, who helped each week with the Juniors, and provided the boys and Mrs Warren with invaluable support. I would lastly like to thank Mrs Warren for joining us this year and working with the Juniors during the week and on Friday night to help them prepare.
A successful season could not be achieved without all the people involved, but more importantly, the results would not have been achieved without the players, coming and playing for two terms to reach their potential. It has been a great achievement to go from seventh for the last two years, to second, winning four premierships. Congratulations to the whole team for your persistence and dedication throughout the semester. We look forward to doing it all again next year.
Remember there are no more coaching days on Wednesday or Friday morning but the championships continue during morning tea, or just come to have a fun game with friends.
AIC Tennis
The complete schedule of the entire AIC tennis season including trials, clinics, training times etc. is posted on the College’s Website under Sport/AIC Tennis.
It is unfortunate that the rain has caused us to cancel trials this week. It is very important for all boys who wish to play tennis to attend all remaining trials next week and the clinic this weekend in order for the managers/coaches to select teams. Tennis trials will continue next week as per schedule below. The team managers should notify players of their selection at the conclusion of the trials. There may be some cases where the managers require more time to sort through some players. If this is the case, these players will be invited back next term to the allocated training schedule for that age group for a number of sessions until the manager is able to decide.
Tennis Trial Schedule
The official training program will commence on day one next term, Wednesday 12 July. All players are required to attend both training sessions each week. The College will provide transportation back to school after the morning sessions held at Morningside Tennis Centre. All other transport to and from Morningside Tennis Centre will be the responsibility of the parents.
AIC Tennis Clinics
All boys who are trialling for teams MUST attend the AIC Tennis Clinics. These clinics will be held on Saturday 17 June at the Churchie Tennis Centre NOT the Morningside Tennis Centre. The times for each of these clinics are:
- 7.00 – 8.30am – Year 5 and Year 6 (4 courts, 4 coaches)
- 8.45 – 10.15am – Year 7 and Year 8 (4 courts, 4 coaches)
- 10.30 -midday – Year 9 and Year 10 (4 courts, 4 coaches)
- 12.15 -1.45pm – Year 11 AND Opens (4 courts, 4 coaches)
AIC Tennis Trial Games
Saturday 15 July – Full school tennis trial Years 5 – 12 against Ashgrove (home schedule)
AIC Basketball
The complete schedule of the entire AIC basketball season including trials, clinics, training times etc. is posted on the College’s Website under Sport/AIC Basketball.
Week 1 of basketball trials will conclude at the end of this week. The second week of trials will be Monday – Wednesday of next week. The College is aware that many Year 12 students were unable to attend trials this week. If this is the case, these boys must make sure they attend the second week of trials in order to be considered. After these trials, teams will be announced and all students who have made an A and B team must listen for announcements about collecting their uniform for the first trial against SLC on the first day of school next Term.
Basketball Trial Schedule
AIC Basketball Clinics
Only those boys who have gained selection into the A and B squads must attend the AIC Basketball Clinic on Saturday 17 June in Goold Hall. These squads will be announced at trials over the coming days. All coaches are asked to attend these clinics.
- 7.00am – 8.30am Year 7
- 8.45am – 10.15am Year 8
- 10.30am – midday Year 9
- 12.15pm – 1.45pm Year 10
AIC Basketball Trial Games
- Wednesday 12 July – Trial v St Laurence’s College (Year7 -12 A and B teams only)
7A/B, 8A/B, 9A/B at Villanova College, times TBA (either 4 or 4.45pm)
10A/B, 11A, 1sts and 2nds at St Laurence’s College, times TBA (either 4.00, 4.45 or 5.30pm)
Bus transportation will be provided for those boys playing at SLC. Parents are asked to collect their son/s promptly afterwards from St Laurence’s College.
- Friday 14 July – Year 5 and 6 trials v Ashgrove at Villa/Ashgrove. Times and venues to be advised.
- Saturday 15 July – Year 7 – 12 trials v Ashgrove at Villa/Ashgrove. Times and venues to be advised.
Year 5 and Year 6 Basketball
The squads for Year 5 and 6 basketball will be placed on the noticeboards around the boys’ classrooms next Monday. All players should then know which squad they are in and their training sessions are on for Term 3. This training schedule is located on the AIC Basketball Season Schedule found on the College’s website. Training will commence for all teams the first week back after holidays. Please note that basketball shorts will need to be purchased by Friday July 14, which is a trial round against Ashgrove for Year 5 and Year 6 teams. All the hire singlets will be distributed to boys next term prior to the trial. The hire cost of the singlets will appear on Term 3 school fees.
Villa-Fit 2017
Villa-Fit is currently undergoing a new structure and at this stage, there will be no Villa-Fit at the commencement of Term 3. Once all the details have been finalised parents and students will be notified.
Representative Sport
Well done to Mitchell Rieck, Jaxon Paterson-Wright, Henry Oberhardt and Ryan Siepel who all made the Met East Cross Country Team that will compete at the State Championships held at Bald Hills mid-July. A great effort boys and best wishes!
Congratulations to Jackson Moloney who recently made the Met East 11 – 12 Rugby Union Team. Jackson will compete at the State Championships in August at Carrara. Best wishes!
Harrison Rieck has made the Queensland Swim Team to compete at Nationals and Pacific School Games in December. He will be competing in the 200m individual medley, 100m freestyle, 50m breaststroke, 50m freestyle and five relays. Awesome effort, good luck Harrison!
Charlie Cooke recently competed in the Met East Team U19 School Sport Volleyball Tournament in Caloundra. Charlie was selected to represent Queensland in the U19 team and has been invited to play in tournaments in Singapore and Malaysia in September. A fantastic achievement, well done Charlie!
Mr Craig Stariha, Director of Sport