- Selection trials have commenced this week for AFL, Cricket, and Volleyball, Please keep updated with the trial schedules on the website Locker Room pages.
- Our Sophomore (Years 7-8) students travel to Coomera this week for the CBSQ Basketball Championships. Good luck boys.
- Well done to all our Touch Football, Water Polo and Esports teams following the AIC Invitational Carnivals last weekend. A special congratulations to our Year 8/9 Touch Football team for winning their division with a 4-3 victory over Iona College in the final and our Esports team for finishing in first place.
- Just some planning ahead for Term 4 Sports trials in AFL, Cricket, and Volleyball. We have pre-season games versus Iona College on 8/9 November and against St Laurence’s College on 15/16 November. Not all year levels and teams will play both weeks. Draw information will be available on the Locker Room Overview page soon.
A final message from me regarding the Strength & Conditioning facility (gym) at Villanova College.
All students who attend the gym are reminded of some simple rules, so that we continue to share this space of the College in a respectful manner.
- Students must leave school bags on bag racks around the College, on the mezzanine level of Goold Hall or in the change rooms at the bottom of Goold Hall. Bags are not to be left on the floor or surrounding areas outside the gym.
- Students changing before or after gym sessions must do this on the mezzanine level of Goold Hall or in the change rooms at the bottom of Goold Hall.
- The pool area must not be accessed at any time for changing unless a staff member is on duty in the area.
- Music and noise within and around the gym area must be at an appropriate and respectful level (especially early mornings from 6:45am). This noise impacts not only the local community, but more so Villanova College staff members with offices situated around Goold Hall. This is one area that needs to be improved.
- Students attending Sport and/or gym sessions in the mornings must be changed and ready for school first bell by 8:25am. Training in the morning is never an excuse to be late for class.
Mr Shaun McLean, Director of Sport

Sport Sign-Ons
Registrations for Term 1, 2025 Sport, AFL, Cricket, Swimming and Volleyball have now closed. Students registering late need to collect a Late Registration Form from the Sports Office, get the form signed at home and return it to the Sports Office.
To keep up to date with selection trials and training schedules, please visit the Locker Room Overview page, and the individual Locker Room sport pages (e.g. Swimming page, Volleyball page, etc).
All registered students, plus those new to the College in 2025, must attend selection trials (at least one session) to be considered for AIC team selection.
Families are reminded to access all Sport information via the Villanova College website and the Villanova College App. The Locker Room Overview page provides updated information regarding training schedules and current AIC/trial draws.
Training Schedules
The Term 4 Training Schedule, for Weeks 2 and 3 only, is now available on The Locker Room Overview page of the Villanova College website.
Selection trial schedules for AFL, Cricket and Volleyball are now available on the Locker Room Overview and sport specific pages of the website.
- AFL Trials – Years 6-Open (2025) – Weeks 4 and 5, Term 4, commenced Monday 21 October.
- Cricket Trials – Years 6-Open (2025) – Week 4 only, Term 4, commenced Monday 21 October.
- Volleyball Trials – Years 7-Open (2025) – Weeks 4-6, Term 4, commenced Wednesday afternoon 23 Oct.
Please visit the website Locker Room for specific dates and timings for 2025 Year Level trials. Please note all trials are in 2025 Year Level – if your son is currently in Year 7, he needs to trial with the Year 8 (2025) group.
The Cricket training schedule for Weeks 5-9, Term 4 will be available on the Locker Room soon.
Save the dates – Sporting Tours, Camps and Clinics
- Christmas holidays 2024/2025 – Cricket Oblate Tour to Perth, Volleyball AVSC Tournament Gold Coast & Swim Camp at Tallebudgera.
- ** International Tour ** – Football & Rugby Tour to Japan – Easter 2025. Approved.
- ** International Tour ** – Basketball Tour to USA – Christmas holidays 2025/2026. Pending approval.
Sport Uniforms
Families are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the Villanova College Uniform Look Book. This information is found on the College website Uniform Shop page. Opening hours for the Uniform Shop can also be found here. All students selected in AIC teams are expected to wear the correct uniform for AIC fixtures each week.
Sport Contact List
If you are requiring information about a specific Sport, in the first instance, visit the website Locker Room page. If you need further clarification, please contact the relevant Coordinator below. For any training or game absences, please contact your Sport Coordinator.
Director of Sport – Shaun McLean, smclean@vnc.qld.edu.au
AIC AFL Coordinator – Matt Conlan, mconlan@vnc.qld.edu.au on leave Term 4, contact bpascoe@vnc.qld.edu.au
AIC Cricket Coordinator – Nathan Dufty, ndufty@vnc.qld.edu.au
AIC Swimming Coordinator – Juanita Jacobs, jjacobs@vnc.qld.edu.au
AIC Volleyball Coordinator – Todd Kropp, tkropp@vnc.qld.edu.au
AIC Cross-Country Coordinator – Brian Pascoe – bpascoe@vnc.qld.edu.au
AIC Chess Coordinator – Kath Underhill, kunderhill@vnc.qld.edu.au
AIC Football Coordinator – Nathan Dufty, ndufty@vnc.qld.edu.au
AIC Rugby Union Coordinator – Chris Everding, ceverding@vnc.qld.edu.au
AIC Golf Coordinator – Todd Kropp, tkropp@vnc.qld.edu.au
AIC Basketball Coordinator – Contact, sportsoffice@vnc.qld.edu.au
AIC Rugby League Coordinator – Contact, sportsoffice@vnc.qld.edu.au
AIC Tennis Coordinator – Nathan Dufty, ndufty@vnc.qld.edu.au
AIC Track & Field Coordinator – Anthony Kemp, akemp@vnc.qld.edu.au
AIC Water Polo Coordinator – Juanita Jacobs, jjacobs@vnc.qld.edu.au
Composite District Sport – Todd Kropp, tkropp@vnc.qld.edu.au
Lytton District Sport – Chris Everding, ceverding@vnc.qld.edu.au
Wet weather cancellations
If there is any reason to cancel training sessions or weekend games, this information will be posted to the Villa App in the Notices section or emailed to the specific students and their parents. Please ensure you have downloaded the Villa App and updated your preferences and settings.
The Villa Sports Department will endeavour to cancel morning training sessions by 6am and afternoon training sessions by 1pm. If a training session is cancelled, boys are not able to be dropped off to the training venue as there will not be supervision present. Please check the Villa App and your emails regularly for these notifications.
If any AIC fixtures are cancelled, we will follow the same procedure above. Timing will be dependent on when that information becomes available.