Covid Restrictions – given the current Covid climate, a statement was released by the AIC management committee last Friday 16 July which outlined the restrictions imposed by all AIC schools for the current trimester season of sport. A copy of this statement was emailed to all families last week. I was extremely grateful to see that all adults abided by these guidelines over the weekend. Even though my sunglasses were fogging up whilst wearing the mask, I too had to follow protocol which makes for a safe and controlled environment for all. Many thanks to you and your family for following these guidelines. Please scroll below to view an excerpt of this statement and the protocols which are currently in place until further notice.
After an excellent stint which totalled five years at the helm by our 1st XV rugby coaches – Mr Paul Davey and Mr Craig Kassulke, the College is now advertising for the position of 1st XV Head Rugby Coach for the 21/22 season and beyond. We were fortunate to have two excellent coaches to date and we are very keen to have two more who can fill this position moving forward (Head Coach and Assistant, currently advertising for a Head Coach in the first instance). Please scroll down and read below some information regarding the position.
Please be mindful that our Inter-House Track and Field Carnival will be held next Thursday 29 July at Villa Park. More information about the carnival is posted below.
All trials for AIC Basketball, Rugby League and Tennis are now complete. Round 1 will commence v Iona College this Friday 23 and Saturday 24 July.
I was pleasantly surprised by our Rugby League teams at Villa Park over the weekend. Although only a trial, we won six from the seven games played against a college who has many keen league players. Well done to all coaches on their good work to ensure that Villa is ready to tackle the league season ahead.
The 1st tennis team is progressing well as they secured a comprehensive victory over the weekend. As many other tennis teams did not play to the normal format, as it was only a trial, we are unable to give the full and correct progress results of these teams.
Basketball continues to be very popular within the Villa population. St Patrick’s College have come in bridesmaids to Villanova’s dominance winning the aggregate over recent years. The basketball results from the weekend were again very positive. From the 31 teams which played Villa won 26 games. We must not rest easy through the season. I am sure the opposition will be tough this weekend and I am positive that St Pat’s will fare better when we reach them again in the regular season. Our aim is again to compete very well this season and hopefully be in contention for the aggregate for a sixth consecutive year. It does not just happen; the boys must apply themselves week in and week out during training and on game day to get the results. Let us continue our winning culture by applying ourselves. Best wishes to all!
I urge all parents and students to check the College’s website regularly for updates regarding the Villa sport program. This includes information regarding training/trial schedules, upcoming fixtures/events, by-laws, uniform requirements etc. Plenty of notice/information is given to students via the College app, morning notices, assemblies, newsletters and of course the College website. May I please request the support of our parents to ensure that the boys are receiving the information and are following through with their commitment by attending all sessions when necessary. As mentioned in last week’s newsletter, the Sports Office is willing and able to negotiate alternative schedules to assist students who have many commitments. The ‘Villanova Way’ is to help when you can and to follow through once a commitment is made.
Weekly Team List – Please Read!!! The College has now moved to a permanent place to post the weekly team lists. We cannot post these lists in the ‘Locker Room’ as we have done in the past as this has caused privacy issues. The lists will now be posted in the Parent Lounge and Student Café portals as these places are password protected. Please read the section below regarding accessing these documents. This new system is designed for easy access for those parents using the College App.
First XV Rugby Head Coach – Villanova is currently seeking applications from suitably qualified and experienced coaches for the position of Villanova’s 1st XV Head Rugby Coach. If you know of anyone who you believe would be a suitable candidate for the position, please encourage that person to apply. It may well be yourself. This position is advertised widely via Seek. Queensland Rugby have also dispersed this advertisement through their channels. Please find more information via the link provided –
Best wishes to all for Round 1 of the AIC Basketball, Rugby League and Tennis held this weekend v Iona College. Enjoy!
AIC Tennis, Rugby League & Basketball Round 1 v Iona College, Friday 23 & Saturday 24 July – Times & Venues
All Year 5 and 6 basketball games are played on Friday afternoons. All Year 7-12 basketball and Year 5-12 tennis games are played on Saturday. Please go to the College’s website to view all times and venues for this weekend’s fixtures.
Note – the College will provide transport to all Year 5 and 6 basketballers to the venue again this week. Parents must collect their son from the venue.
Covid Restrictions – Round 1 v Iona College
Following last week’s announcement of additional COVID-19 cases in Queensland and the extension of some restrictions in South-East Queensland, and for the health and safety of our community, the AIC association has put the following restrictions in place for our spectators attending trials and fixtures until further notice.
Tennis and Rugby League
- Use the Check-In QLD App
- Outdoor sports – spectators are welcome
- Masks must be worn if you cannot socially distance from other adults
Basketball (includes both indoor and outdoor courts)
- Use the Check-In QLD App
- We are keeping the communication consistent for all basketball fixtures (regardless of games being played either indoor or outdoor)
- Restricted to one parent/guardian per player for all grades
- Masks must be worn by all adults
- Masks do not have to be worn for players 12 years and under (and those otherwise exempt)
- Players and coaches in the ‘Field of Play’ do not have to wear masks
- 20 student spectators per College, if venue permits, will be able to attend the First V Basketball games. No student spectators allowed for any other matches
- Please adopt the “Get in, play, get out” rule to mitigate co-mingling
As the AIC association administers school sport for member Colleges, there are likely to be different expectations for adult and student participants than experienced at community club sports. The Association is highly cognisant of the impact that a positive case may have on member school communities, including closure of schools. We respectfully require all adults and students to comply with the AIC and member College venue requirements without exception.
Team Lists and Weekly Schedule – Now Published in Parent Lounge and Student Café Portals (and available via the App)
From Term 3, all weekly Team Lists, including the Weekly Fixture Schedule, can be accessed via the College App. Simply go to the Villanova College App, click the ‘Sports’ tile. From here select ‘Team Lists and Weekly Schedule’ from the options given. Please note that you will be required to enter your Parent Lounge username and password initially. The system will remember this password on subsequent logins.
The College will send an App alert when these documents are updated weekly.
Students may access the team lists via their Student Café portal. They simply log in as usual and select the ‘Links’ button on the top toolbar of the home page. A drop-down box will appear. The boys then select the ‘Team Lists and Weekly Schedule’ button. This will reveal the team lists and weekly schedule documents which will be updated and reposted each week.
The College no longer publishes the team lists on the web via the ‘Locker Room’ due to privacy issues. The College will no longer publish the team lists within the shared folder link sent previously too. Please note that the ‘Locker Room’ will still be the main place where all sports information is given, including the weekly schedule which will now be published in the Parent Lounge next to the team lists for your convenience.
Goold Hall Out of Action
We were hoping that Goold Hall would be back online early next week. The works have been delayed and the hall will be offline next week. We will apply the same training schedule used for weeks 1 and 2 and use it for week 3, next week too.
Goold Hall should be ok for next weekend – Round 2 v St Peter’s.
AIC Track & Field Training
AIC Track and Field (T&F) training will commence the week after Ekka week. A full season schedule will be posted on the Villa website by the end of next week. At the conclusion of the Inter-house Carnival, the coaches will invite students from Years 5-12 to be a part of their squad. All Track and Field coaches will monitor student attendance at all training sessions. Students will be contacted by either their coach or a member of the Sports Office to explain any absenteeism. We encourage all students to make contact with their coach if they are unable to make training. Rolls will be taken each week to ensure that those who have been identified as our best athletes attend the sessions and follow through with their commitment as this not only builds character but also the College’s Track & Field program. Parental support on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Villanova Track & Field Carnival Years 5-12 – COMPULSORY!
All students from Years 5-12 are required to attend Villanova’s annual Track and Field Carnival held at Villa Park next Thursday 29 July. All students are to attend school as per normal times wearing their PE uniform to and from school. Buses will then transport the boys to and from Villa Park. Boys with before school training for either Basketball (Clem Jones Centre) or Tennis (Morningside Tennis Centre) will be bussed directly to Villa Park at the conclusion of their training. We hope all parents support the College to ensure that all boys attend. Canteen facilities will be available at the Park with cash and eftpos options available. We ask students to bring a small bag on the day for their belongings including a hat, sunscreen and water bottles (food etc.). The first events are due to start at 9.45am with the last event concluding at 2.00pm followed by presentations. All students will be rotated around 100m, hurdles (championship event only), bin ball, 200m, javelin, 800m, long jump, shot put, high jump (a select few in each age group only) and tug-o-war events. Our aim is to have fun, promote Track & Field, give everybody a go, showcase our best athletes and identify those boys who should be in our AIC T&F squad.
Our Track and Field coaches will be positioned on all Championship events in order for them to identify our best athletes and invite them into our T&F program, which will commence in Week 6. We would expect all members of our rugby and football development programs as well as all ‘A’ team members of each of the sports we have on offer to excel and be at the forefront of the T&F program.
Villanova Inter-House Track & Field Carnival Canteen – your assistance is required
The canteen will be in operation next Thursday at the Villa Track and Field Day. If you are available to help out for an hour or so (in between your son’s event) can you please contact Robyn Gunning by email . We are particularly keen on parents attending around 8.00am to assist with the preparation.
Breakfast will be available from the Villa Park canteen on the day of the Track and Field carnival with cash or eftpos available (no flexischool card available at all during the day). This will be on offer for those coming from tennis and basketball training.
- Bacon & Egg Wraps – $5.00
- Muffins – $3.00
- Assorted Milk – $3.50 (limited stock)
Please note that the Villa Tuckshop WILL NOT be open on this day.
Spectators at Track and Field Carnival: parents are welcome to attend the Track and Field Carnival. We kindly request that parents park in the Western Car Park, use the Check-In QLD App and wear a mask when unable to socially distance.
Track and Field – Championship Events and ‘Fast and Furious’
Students will have the option of competing in each or all individual championship events rather than selecting a relatively small group of boys to do them all. Boys can nominate for these events via the sign-on forms found in the foyer of Goold Hall. The championship events include the 100m, 200m, hurdles, 800m, long jump, shot put, javelin (Year 7-12 only) and high jump. Sign-ons for these events will close this Friday.
Students who do not wish to participate in the championship events will compete in the non-championship program.
All boys will be given the opportunity to compete in a ‘fast and furious’ race. We are looking for our 10 best runners in each age group to nominate themselves for this event. The finalists will then compete in the first event at the Villanova Inter-House Track and Field Carnival in front of the entire school for the ‘fast and furious’ final. The winner of each age group will be awarded a prize (TBC) by the Sports Office.
At the end of the day, we want Villa’s best athletes to compete against each other for the College to identify our best athletes to join our AIC Track and Field Program. It would be reasonable to expect that all ‘A’ team members in all sports, nominate for at least one Championship event. Ben Mowen, Andrew Slack, Junior Football Development Squad and 1st Football candidates for next year’s season must nominate or they will be not be considered for these squads.
AIC Basketball, Rugby League and Tennis
All AIC tennis, rugby league and basketball trials have concluded. Team lists will be posted within the Students Café and Parent Lounge portals by Thursday of each week. Please be aware that these lists can and will change each week depending on player performance, attitude and attendance at training.
We are expecting a significant challenge from Iona this weekend. In our quest to retain the basketball aggregate and our firm placing in the tennis and rugby league aggregates we ask all boys to come ready to play this weekend. Good luck to all involved!
Mr Blake McLauchlan, AIC Rugby League Co-ordinator
2019 marked the introduction of rugby league into AIC. It was fantastic to feel the anticipation and excitement building around rugby league making its mark on the sporting calendar for the first time. With the cancellation of the 2020 season, many of our students have been hungry to experience AIC rugby league for a second time.
There were many positives to take out of the 2019 season. Many of our boys displayed a real talent for the game and it was pleasing to hear that the inaugural season motivated many boys to play club rugby league.
We are very lucky to have many experienced new and returning coaches on board for this year. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our coaches for their efforts so far in developing and getting the best out of our boys during the trials.
All teams trialled against St Patrick’s College on Saturday for their first rugby league game of the 2021 season. Although it was only a trial, it was pleasing to note that we came away with six wins and only one loss. Our Year 10’s put on a dominant performance, showing that they have what it takes to be very competitive this year. As is expected, some are still learning the basics of rugby league but there were many positives to take out of Saturday’s trial.
This weekend we come up against Iona College for Round 1 of the AIC competition. All teams will be playing at Iona College. Please check the draw posted on the website for the time and the field that all of our teams have been allocated to. Please allow enough travel time to ensure you arrive at Iona College at least 30 minutes before your scheduled kick off time, unless you have been told to arrive earlier by your coach.
I wish all teams the best of luck for Round 1.
Mr Sean O’Neill, AIC Basketball Co-ordinator
The 2021 basketball season has begun with a full week of training already and two trials games against Ashgrove and St Patrick’s. It was pleasing to see all teams on the weekend getting the opportunity to improve their skills and prepare for Round 1. We had some very pleasing results from the weekend, winning 26 games from the 31 played. It was excellent to see all Junior School teams come away with victories in their games.
The 1st V had a pleasing result 96-47 as they continue their preparation. It has been a long pre-season for the team and they are looking forward to finally getting to show their style of play to everyone on Saturday.
This weekend sees us up against Iona in Round 1 and defending our aggregate championship for the sixth year in a row. Hopefully all teams put out their best performance to start the season off well. Good luck to all!
Advanced notice: Year 5 and 6 Basketball – Round 2 (Friday 30 July)
For Round 2, Year 6 teams will be playing at home against SPLC and Ashgrove. The Year 5 teams will be travelling to SPLC and Ashgrove and will need to have transportation to and from venues organised as soon as possible, so that ALL students know who they are travelling with and how they will be getting home. One parent per player is currently allowed to attend matches and spectate and we are hoping that all students will head home with their own parent/s but we need to make sure all students are accounted for and get home safely. If you can assist with managing and co-ordinating transport, please contact the Sports Office.
Mr Todd Kropp, Tennis Co-ordinator
It was a great turn out on a wonderful winter’s morning for the commencement of the Tennis season on Saturday. St Patrick’s College, Shorncliffe were our opposition in what was to be our first trial and last opportunity for the boys to show their skills before the proper season commences this week.
It was most pleasing to see many new players attending who did not play last year, some even in the senior age group who had never played before, illustrating that there is always time to become involved, support the College, have fun and learn new skills.
Competition for places in teams was particularly fierce in the younger grades; thank you to all the boys who trained and trialled. Unfortunately, not all players can make the team with limited number of places available. I encourage all players who have not been successful in making teams to stay in contact with their managers; we would like to see boys be available for selection throughout season and for weeks when there are absences.
The results of the trial matches were pleasing as were the overall individual performances of each team. While we did not record final scores for all teams, I know each player showed their competitiveness and flexibility as we worked through our final selections with teams changing through each set.
A special mention should be given to the First IV team; they performed ruthlessly winning their trials under the direction of First Captain, Joe Timms.
Thank you to all parents and boys who have contributed already to what will be an enjoyable and hopefully a very successful season ahead.
Ben Mowen and Andrew Slack Squads
The participants of the abovementioned squads for the up-coming 2021/22 season will be discussed and published after the appointment of the 1st XV Head Coach. All hopeful members are expected to participate in this year’s Track and Field program. The complete program details will be posted towards the end of this term.
Term 4 Cricket
This year Villanova will again run an internal cricket competition for Year 4 students who will be entering the College in 2022. This program will run for six weeks from 9 October and will be from 12.30pm to approximately 3.00pm each Saturday. This will allow very keen cricketers to still play club cricket in the morning. Current Year 5 students who are interested, will be invited to play for Villanova in the Eastern Districts pre-xmas competition during Term 4 in the U11/U12 divisions. Year 6-11 students wishing to play will be placed in the BEARS competition, but the number of teams entered will depend on the availability of fields and parents who volunteer to coach. Students are free to play for other clubs and this decision will have NO bearing on AIC selections in 2022, as long as they are available for ALL trial sessions for Villanova. A note outlining details will be available to interested students over the coming weeks.
Well done to Charlie Farmer, Billy Pearson and Lennox Hine who competed at the Qld Junior State Cup for touch football over the recent holiday break in Hervey Bay. These boys represented the Brisbane Metropolitan touch team. Their team was undefeated in the U12’s division throughout the tournament. They were also the reigning U10 champions and have managed to win back-to-back titles. Well done to all three boys!

Mr Craig Stariha, Director of Sport